Meow running away from home

There are too many things that humans can't understand about the animal ecosystem. The cow cat is fifteen or six years old this year. I just hope that he can live a happy second half of his life.

The cow cat living in the house has not seen it for a long time after leaving home for some unknown reason.

The cow cat has a lot of fate in its life. First, it was trapped and sent to be culled by evil neighbors. Later, after being rescued by the caring aunt, it returned to the community. But since then, it has been deeply vigilant towards human beings, although it still eats caring mothers. They are fed the food, but they will hide away first before approaching to eat.

It was not until the mother gradually gained the trust of the dairy cat that he regained the weak sense of trust with humans. When I live in the house, I not only eat and drink, but when I eat, I can be gently touched by us without jumping away. I even follow my mother for a walk outside. When Xiao K is still there, he will walk while It's very interesting to make fun of little K.

In the summer of this year, the civet cats in the community may have become stronger. In addition to rummaging for food and trash cans outside, they will actively attack nearby stray cats. About a month ago, my mother assisted in disposing of the body of a traumatized stray cat. Seeing the wounds on the body felt like being attacked by civet cats. Later, the cow cat also appeared to be threatened and left the house.

A few days ago, the caring aunt in the community also inquired about the whereabouts of the mother's cow and cat, but it seemed that she hadn't seen it for several days. After a nervous breakfast, the mother hurriedly went out to look for it. Later, she returned to the house sweating profusely, saying that she had seen a cow and cat, but she was unwilling to come back with her. There might be a threatening smell or something.

There are too many things that humans can't understand about the animal ecosystem. The cow cat is fifteen or six years old this year. I just hope that he can live a happy second half of his life.


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Jerome連續兩年寫作不間斷,可以稍微自稱是個「文字堆砌人」。曾於多領域任職與創業,帶隊完成金氏世界紀錄項目挑戰。現音樂產業 x 文化活動產業與夢想家共同追逐獨角獸中。
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2022 馬特市年度問卷 | 中斷了日更的一年,波動起伏的一年

