Set up a street stall and open a large food stall to earn 30,000 a day? I'm sorry, I'm not worthy


Hello everyone.

At the moment of the epidemic, all industries are facing difficulties.

In the past six months, many friends around me, the unemployed and the unemployed, the closing down of the company, have said the word "difficult" the most.

But if I told you that there is an industry now that can earn 30,000 a day, wouldn't you be excited?

Please note that the daily income is 30,000...

At first, when I heard the news, I thought it was an April Fool's joke.

But when I saw the news from the show we aired on time at 7pm every night, it was a silent tear.

I wonder if I was dazzled, or if it was a typo by the reporters,

So I searched for this news from various search engines.

The result told me that it was indeed sent from the official media.

Take my best friend as an example. He graduated from a 985 college in China. After graduation, he came to Shenzhen to work in a well-known Internet company, taking up a business position. Every day, 996 will not be mentioned, and it will take a day on weekends. time to connect with the company's customers.

After the full calculation, after deducting the social security provident fund, etc., you can only get a monthly salary of 1.2w a month.

I don't know how he felt when he saw the news.

I also thought of the one I wrote two days ago, the delivery guy who knelt down to me for fear of me giving a bad review.

According to online statistics, only less than 15% of the delivery guys can earn more than 8K monthly salary, and they still take their lives on the blog every minute.

More takeaway brothers, the average salary is only 6K.

So, when I saw that the owner of a food stall with a street stall earns 30,000 a day, I felt more absurd than surprised.

In fact, the food stall owner, who earns 30,000 a day, told us his new wealth code during the interview.

With an income of 30,000 yuan per day, I calculate that your profit is 10%. Isn't that a net profit of 3,000 yuan per day? After deducting weekends, holidays, etc., a net profit of 750,000 a year?

This is a proper step into the middle class. Buying a house and getting a car is not a dream.

In such a comparison, the US Emperor is really weak.

I followed the network cable to find some industries that make millions every year.

Found so much...

I suddenly felt weak.

Maybe it's not just me, you will feel weak when you see this.

After so many years of reading, you told me that people who play cotton, collect waste, farm, drive tractors, raise cattle, sell tomatoes, sew pants, and fry fried dough sticks all make money.

Driving a tractor to farm, the annual income is 100 million yuan;

By selling tomatoes, I bought three houses in Shanghai;

Organize the wardrobe for lazy people and earn 10,000 in two days...

Make up a crotch, and you can earn millions every year...

We Chinese people have a common goal, that is, " everything depends on money ".

As soon as there is a new policy trend, everyone will swarm into it, without hitting the south wall or turning back.

In the past few years, the "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" has made countless young people with enthusiasm and enthusiasm rushed to Shenzhen, rolled up their sleeves, and prepared to start their own careers in this hot land of entrepreneurship.

However, the ideal is very full, the reality is very skinny, and the data will not lie.

Now, as soon as this encourages the introduction of the street stall economy, people immediately earn 30,000 a day. Can it be too attractive?

Finally, as for whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway...


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