"Story Series" 01 - Stranded, washed up on the shore of Taiwan (middle)

Story series, about my story, the stories around me, the stories I know. I started this series in order to resonate with the general public, resonate with emotions, and resonate with history. And the first part of the series, I want to start with my grandpa...

If you haven't watched the last episode, you can watch it here

unstoppable army

Last time I mentioned that in early October of the 1930s, my grandfather left Sichuan, where he grew up for 17 years, and went out of Sichuan to the Yunnan area to carry out the task of fighting troops. However, there were always many emergencies during the war, and many things happened along the way. Therefore, my grandfather could not return to Sichuan as scheduled after the mission, and after sending a letter to his mother, he moved with the troops to the next battle location, "Maybe in another two or three years, I will return to my hometown. I have to break into the outside world, as long as I am alive, I will definitely have a chance." This was what my grandfather thought at the time...

After the completion of the troop engagement task, the commander of the destination troop admired his grandfather very much, and recommended him to enter the training unit of the troop for training and receive orthodox and formal training. He planned to promote him. Graduated with a passing qualification, and then rose to lieutenant on the way to the army, and completed the training of the first lieutenant team of the Nanjing No. 1 Training Office (that is, the eighth phase of the lieutenant class of the Whampoa Military Academy in Nanjing), and was promoted to captain, As a descendant, I am also very proud of this fact. Whampoa Military Academy is not a place where you can enter and retreat whenever you want!

Some military badges that grandpa still keeps

However, what about Captain Guan Zhi? Japan surrendered. It should have been a happy event for everyone, but the war did not stop. At that time, the enemy who was in a state of civil war and did not stop - the Communist army assembled! The continuous fighting made everyone physically and mentally exhausted, but the communist army gathered on the other side of the Yangtze River and had to fight. The smell of exile spreads...

On June 12, 1938, grandfather knew that he would face a major decision at this time, so he wrote 12 letters with tears to his pregnant ex-wife in Changzhou at that time, and went into exile with the army. This parting is also a goodbye... All the way to Yueyang, Hunan was attacked by the Communist army, the troops scattered, and then exiled to Shahe , and then to Hainan Island , and finally set foot on the last ship to retreat to Taiwan at Basuo Port , and went to Taiwan, running away without turning back... I Thinking of grandpa, I don't want to set foot on the boat, but I have a chance to live...

The trend of the times is driving people to the shores of Taiwan

On May 5, 1999, my grandfather came to Kaohsiung , Hong Kong, and officially arrived in Taiwan. However, the Taiwan side did not like to see the remnants of soldiers from the mainland at that time. They only felt that they were all third-rate bastards with no culture and no literacy. The attitude towards Grandpa's group was extremely poor, and they were not treated as kindly as the government advertised. Grandpa didn't feel good after disembarking. Even the condolences and retreating troops announced by Mrs. Jiang at that time were NT$5 per person (at that time, it was quite Big money) can't see the money but not the money. Is this the proper treatment for a soldier who really works hard for the country on the battlefield? I can understand my grandfather's criticism and dissatisfaction with the government at that time, and I can also understand the contempt of Taiwanese at that time for these "strangers" who retreated to Taiwan. After all, Taiwan at that time had just been modernized and washed by Japan. There are indeed many modern people who came from the mainland, and most of the soldiers who came to Taiwan were not a group of people who had read books. In this group of people, no matter what class you are, it is inevitable that you will be considered that way.

Afterwards, Grandpa and his gang were sent to the military assembly offices all over Taiwan. The processing efficiency and methods were extremely messy and disorderly. troops, but at the same time they are also idle personnel in terms of the status quo, as Grandpa said in his memoirs,

"Maybe in this era, they are no longer necessary", the words are full of helplessness, and indeed as he said, the slogan "counter-attack the mainland", for contemporary Taiwan, is now just a joke to entertain people. .

But he was a captain after all. Grandpa was sent to Chiayi Minxiong , Kinmen , and Keelung to serve as a training corps commander. He was finally discharged from the army in Keelung . However, he was extremely dissatisfied with the way the government handled it at that time. The National Government of the People’s Republic of China, we are no longer talents but slaves!”

The government does not treat them kindly, or it is said that the government does not have the energy to treat them kindly. In this dissatisfaction, what I can see is that my grandfather is more helpless and regretful. The helpless thing is that the National Government was indeed defeated. Grandpa also knew that he did not say anything. There is room for the mouth, the facts are in front of you, and the regret is that for the grandfather at that time, he got nothing and nothing. He dedicated his life to the country in exchange for being far away from his wife and children in Changzhou and the child in his womb, in exchange for being away from the arms of his mother. In exchange for a trip to exile. From my point of view, Grandpa's life has become the best explanation for being in a bad time. This pain did not turn into ashes with Grandpa, but became the bound spirit of the memoir, I felt it.

Shuoyuan, or rather, just wanted to take a look

On November 2, 1987, on this day, President Chiang Ching-kuo officially opened the door to return to his hometown to visit relatives, allowing people with third-degree blood relatives, in-laws or spouses in mainland China to register to visit relatives in mainland China. Those who are homesick are those who miss their relatives, even if it may bring greater grief. Therefore, I brought my grandma, the wife of my grandfather in Taiwan, back to Sichuan to visit relatives. Is it a visit? It doesn't seem to be the case. Grandpa doesn't dare to hope for anything. After all, the war and the follow-up actions of the Communist Party, what kind of relatives can be found? Even he is an old man.

When my grandfather returned to Chengdu, Sichuan, he inquired everywhere and learned that his mother had died during the Cultural Revolution. He was starved to death, his old home was in ruins, and his ex-wife in Changzhou had died in childbirth as early as August 1999. (That is, the same year that my grandfather went into exile with the large army), which is embarrassing.

Follow and continue to follow, if you like, you can give me a little encouragement or leave a message, to be continued...

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『故事系列』01 - 擱淺,沖上臺灣的岸(下)


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