"Update Hey! Listen to you as a writer on Ghost Island" 92 Is "selling dreams" more profitable than "chasing dreams"?


Everyone says that chasing a dream is a very difficult thing, but if you actually try it, you will find that it is even more difficult, and it is even more likely that the poorest people will not be able to do it in their entire life. It is indeed a dream. Abbreviation (X

Although the reality is cruel, there have never been fewer people who embraced their dreams, and I am one of them.

For me, dreams are something that motivates me to move forward, something that urges me to get up every day and maintain discipline all the time, as if an invisible force guides me through whatever difficulties arise.

With it, I have the motivation to move forward, I want to make myself better and better, and get closer to my dream, even if it is just a little bit closer.

However, everyone has dreams, but not everyone has the perseverance to implement them, and the harsh reality has become an obstacle. There are many people around me because the real environment does not allow it, or as they grow older, they have to focus on The things around you, dreams are naturally gone.

Let's not talk about chasing dreams, let's talk about "selling dreams" .

I believe everyone should have noticed that there are many books on the market that teach people to write, but if you look closely at the author's experience and background, you will find a very interesting thing-most of the people who teach people to write are few and far between. Books, but people who are good at writing books are not good at speaking in front of people, and even less good at teaching.

Of course, I'm not trying to satirize this phenomenon, but I just want to say that everyone's natural attributes are different, and the cultivation and training of the day after tomorrow are not the same.

Unless it is a fairly serious mental illness or disorder, skills that are basically lacking should be trainable, such as courage.

However, being able to write a book and being able to teach writing are two different things. The requirements for skill points and psychological quality are different, as are writing a book and speaking. Although there will be people who have both skills, they are still a minority.

But what is certain is that in this era of self-marketing, people who can both write books and express themselves can do better. Sometimes, as long as they can market themselves, their writing skills do not need to be too high, and life may be better than People who bury their heads in writing are better off.

Everyone chooses a different way of life, and the future they want is different. Some people think that writing a book is very hard, but some people think that speaking is very scary. Writing for a lifetime, there are also people who are unwilling to remain silent for a lifetime...

There is no absolute right or wrong in life, everything is a choice, but "choice" is sometimes more rewarding than "hard work" , but what do you want to accomplish and how can you get closer to the lifestyle you aspire to? I think it should be is the most important.

Of course, there are always many voices around you who want to influence your thoughts and even interfere, but if you can put aside those messy voices and choose with your true inner voice, you don’t care about the level of achievement, whether it’s good or bad in the eyes of others , Maybe that's the real freedom?

Only you can understand what kind of life you want to live, and live according to the wishes of others. Although you can gain some sense of security in a short period of time, you can also feel relieved because your ears are quiet, but in the long run, the lump will eventually fade away. Growing bigger and bigger inside.

Some people will choose to compromise, some people will feel resentful and regret, but in a word, life is a choice, there is no right or wrong.

So, what are your options?


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鬱兔鬱兔,已出版35冊實體商業小說,以及多部電子版權作品,手機遊戲《啵嗲多森林》已於2020/5上架 IG:instagram.com/novelist_utsu12 粉絲團:facebook.com/utsudo Twitch:twitch.tv/utsu12 YT精華:youtube.com/channel/UClMx7MU0HLnRuybeYlNxisg 信箱:utsu12@gmail.com
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