Handsome guy and pretty girl throw frisbee 🥏 | Play frisbee


I went to play football with my colleagues this week and found a group of people playing frisbee throwing in the adjacent court🥏, we had never seen it before and were very curious. In between, they lined up and threw the Frisbee far away. The woman throwing the frisbee is wearing sexy, yoga pants and a bra. In fact, the big guy is not for watching Frisbee, his attention is all on the beauty.

As a result, this time everyone was not as focused on playing football as before, and the beauties who threw Frisbees next door looked at them when they had something to do. Someone suggested that we should not play football next time and throw Frisbees instead. Haha, my colleagues are also joking, there is no girl who plays Frisbee throwing.

I think frisbee throwing is also a good new sport, and it also has the function of making friends. It not only exercises the body but also promotes everyone's understanding, and it is not tiring to work with men and women.


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