Hi everyone, this is the 200th article in Matters - The Life of a Sloth & My Matters Article Map

Be honest with yourself, speak to yourself quickly.

Attached is the life of a sloth, in Matters' article map,
Subsequent new articles will also update the article titles and links in this notion link .
(After seven, seven or forty days of drinking, I drank a few glasses and sorted it out.)

Destination URL:

Before you know it, this article ends.

Unconsciously (the article ends) , I came to the 200th article in Matters,
It's time to give yourself some time, think, let go, (and most importantly, take a break XD), and tidy up.

2021.01.18 (Ah, it was only last year),
I found Matters from Pathfinder under the introduction of@ Yao Nianguang,
Published the first article " Hello everyone, here is the life of a sloth " in Matters,
The article has no content, a simple self-introduction, and attaches my link to the main site of the Pathfinder course. I have always set this article to be the top of Matters' personal page.
More than a year has passed, and on 2/14 this year, Pathfinder has unilaterally and ruthlessly dumped me on Valentine's Day .

It's also time to sort out my journey at Matters, be honest with myself, and leave a record.

Be honest with yourself, the original intention of writing the article

If you feel lost, tired, and don't know where to go about doing something,
I will remind myself that it is time to think about doing this, it is for me, and there is no right or wrong original intention.

Looking back, I would have come to write on the Internet at first,
In fact, just want to escape the pressure of the real world.

That's it, no, of course I can install all kinds of good reasons for myself,
But please, let me be honest with myself, and run to the Internet to play wild games, chase, run, jump, and touch,
At first, I just wanted to find something else to do, I didn't want to face what should be done at that time .

Anyway, escape is shameful but useful,
Anyway, it’s cool to escape for a while, and it’s always cool to keep running away (huh),
Crying and laughing, escaping and fighting, sleeping and crawling, advancing and retreating
In the end, fortunately, fortunately, I still have to complete the things that need to be done and achieve their own milestones.

There are always times when I am confused about this matter, I am powerless, I don’t know if I should write, I don’t know if I want to write, or I want to write a lot but I don’t know where to start, or I have something I want to write but I’m so old lazy to write.

Faced with these situations, and then simply ask yourself honestly:
"Hey, sloth, why did you write it in the first place?"

"Oh, because I don't want to do anything else, I just want to run away!"

So, being at ease and happy in it is the most important thing for me.

Follow your original intention and be honest with yourself,
At the beginning, I didn't have any lofty original intentions, just to escape , so I found some other things (on the Internet) to do it,
After pondering and asking myself several times, it is not difficult to come to the following conclusions:

I live as a sloth , when I talk (nonsense) on the Internet,

You should do whatever you want, be free, and do whatever you want.
Write what you want, write what you want, don't write if you don't want to,

Anyway, a happy day is a day, a sad day is a day, and two days have passed inexplicably .

Say honestly to yourself, in a hurried and embarrassed life,
I just want to escape to a place where I can be unfettered, regardless of whether the world is 3721 or 81 (Eh, mathematics is too bad.)
In such a world,
Record for yourself, share and communicate with others, and occasionally get serious together, and more often let go of yourself .

Honestly say to myself, I am very happy, even if there has been hesitation and uncertainty on the road,
But I still made the same choice in the end, and I am even more happy that I made this decision every time——

Do what I want and do what makes me feel meaningful and fulfilling.

2018 Taitung

Write down, the more you write, the closer you get to know yourself

Just admit it honestly,

I just like to eat , so there will be a bunch of #sloth eating all the time;
I just want to keep a record of the little and absurd things in life,
I thought that if I could let other people laugh, it would probably not be bad, so I just wrote one after another like this #slothhahalaugh ;
I'm just lazy to stick to some things sometimes, so I'm constantly in love with the Taylor series (but my love for Taylor continues).

These are me, I write what I want to write, and I write about my life.

2021 Guishan Island
Escape, escape, run around, suddenly fall into the rabbit hole and discover another universe

If the writing journey is to make me a short-lived happy deserter from life,
Through the writing journey, getting to know the cryptocurrency (LikeCoin) is like falling into a rabbit hole to discover a new universe,
I met so many people, so many generous, selfless people who were willing to teach me this Muggle by hand.
To this day, with @CODE Farmer Daily, @chicken cake GCAKE, and @cat travel [Erica], what a magical coding league,
Sometimes I can't figure out what part I'm consuming too much. (It won't be a ghost soup, will it?)

Thank you for having you on this trip

Thanks for this platform,
Thank you even more for meeting you, you, and you here,
Makes me often feel very lucky in the dead of night,
Thank you for witnessing my small and ordinary life.

May we all be defined as what we love and be who we are.

And I still want to continue to write my ordinary little things into timeless stories that are neither huge nor great at all.

This is a compilation of all my articles on Matters

And this, this is my 200th in Matters,
Trust me, there will be a lot of nonsense going on in the future.

This article records my fantastic journey in Matters, and I am more grateful to those people I met on the Internet.

2022.03.25 The life of a sloth


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!