The 6 major crimes of Mengniu Yili, the media dare not say, so let me say


Author: Wang Xiaoqi

Written in front:

PS: Because this article was a hot search on Weibo, I was threatened by the Dairy Association, and the latest progress article is attached at the end.

This is an article about the family history of Mengniu and Yili Diablo. It is 6,500 words long, but every word is not redundant, and every word has meaning. It may be a little boring at the beginning, but if possible, I hope you can take it seriously. After reading this article, you will finally find that what you are concerned about is definitely a very meaningful thing that concerns everyone.

1 A problem that has to be faced

I don’t know if you have such a feeling: Mengniu and Yili’s milk loses its milky taste the more you drink it.

This is not an illusion.

This expression is not precise enough, it should be: cheap milk is getting less and less milky.

In fact, this is the result of dairy companies headed by Mengniu and Yili 12 years ago, and the difficulty in improving the quality of cheap milk is just one of the insignificant consequences. Other innumerable consequences include: infant milk powder with a gross profit of 70% or even 80%, and Chinese parents who are still worried about buying the world's highest priced domestic milk powder.

More than 10 years is really long enough, people have long forgotten the evils that Mengniu and Yili have done. But even when Mengniu and Yili were frequently hit by thunder 12 years ago, many people avoided the Mengniu and Yili scandals, thinking that the two "national enterprises" of Mengniu and Yili were "crossed", and foreign counterparts would Take advantage of the situation to invade and control China's dairy industry, and to overthrow them is to overthrow national enterprises.

Twelve years later, Mengniu and Yili have been firmly attached to national enterprises. At a time when patriotic sentiment is unprecedentedly high, if you dare to oppose national enterprises, you are opposing the people of the whole country.

But are Mengniu and Yili really worthy of national enterprises? I raise this question with trepidation. In fact, I have always believed that the decades of development history of Mengniu and Yili have definitely done more harm than good to China. Without Mengniu and Yili, China’s dairy industry may be far better than it is now.

To talk about the harm Mengniu and Yili have done to the entire dairy industry, and to count the evils done by Mengniu and Yili, we must start from 1983.

2 The Flower of Evil Sprouts

Why do I put Mengniu and Yili together?

Not only because Mengniu and Yili are the two giants in the dairy industry that currently occupy a monopoly position, but also because in my eyes, these two companies are just two fruits from the same root. In the final analysis, their background colors are the same. That's why Yili and Mengniu's products are so similar, except for the almost identical brands:

Yili launched yogurt, and Mengniu launched yogurt; Yili launched QQ Star, and Mengniu launched Future Star; Yili launched Anmuxi, and Mengniu launched Chunzhen; Launch the Golden Code.

Even the ice cream produced is almost exactly the same.

Niu Gensheng, the founder of Mengniu, and Zheng Junhuai, the founder of Yili, originally came from the same company. The predecessor of Yili Group was the Huimin Milk Food Factory in Hohhot. In January 1983, due to continuous losses, Zheng Junhuai was transferred to the factory as the factory director, trying to break the situation.

And Niu Gensheng is Zheng Junhuai's right-hand man. Niu Gensheng, who was outstanding in the past, soon led a wave of talented young people to turn losses into profits.

In 1996, Yili Group was established, Zheng Junhuai became the chairman and CEO, and Niu Gensheng was the vice chairman and vice president in charge of production and sales of Yili.

Because of Niu Gensheng's outstanding ability and more frequent direct contact with his subordinates, half of Yili's staff firmly obeyed Niu Gensheng's orders.

Now Zheng Jun was in a panic, seeing that he was showing signs of being ostracized, how can this be done? So two years later, due to some unknown reasons, Niu Gensheng was kicked out.

After being kicked out, Niu Gensheng had a great influence on the talents in the factory. Many former departments persuaded Niu Gensheng to make a comeback and were willing to resign and continue working with him. Unconvinced, Niu Gensheng responded to his subordinates' wishes and raised 1 million before registering. Mengniu Dairy.

Since then, Mengniu and Yili have been in a tug-of-war for 20 years, which is why Mengniu and Yili have been entangled in endless disputes, and even look like the real reason for a company.

In this kind of mutual love and fighting, Mengniu and Yili sometimes joined together and sometimes attacked each other. They first defeated other dairy companies, and then divided up the market with each other, forming a situation where two strong and two divided the world. But it was during their love-to-kill struggle that China's dairy industry has embarked on an almost irreversible astray.

Before 2000, China did not have a national brand, because at that time only low-temperature pasteurized milk could be produced on the market. This kind of milk had a shelf life of only a few days and had to be refrigerated. Most of them are regional enterprises.

The turning point began in 1997. In this year, Niu Gensheng was about to be kicked out. The Swedish Tetra Pak Packaging Company reached an agreement with Yili, and the familiar Yili boxed room temperature milk was born.

After 2000, Tetra Pak reached a cooperation with Mengniu, which rose from the rebellion. As long as Mengniu and Yili sell a share of milk, Tetra Pak will make a profit. This unknown packaging company has become the biggest winner in the battle between Mengniu and Yili. .

Since then, dairy companies have ended the situation of division and separatism, and Mengniu and Yili have begun to enter the country, trying to divide the world. The emergence of room temperature milk made Guangming and other local dairy companies feel a sense of crisis and tried to resist. Mengniu Yili, which had turned against them, worked together to deal with the resistance of local dairy companies. In 2003, it successfully defeated the leading leader in sales in the country, Guangming. began to dominate.

In 2004, pasteurized fresh milk companies finally united under the pressure of annihilation. Four Chinese dairy manufacturers and sellers, including Bright, New Hope, Yantang, and Sanyuan, which mainly sell low-temperature milk, cooperated with the United States. International Paper (another packaging company) enters into an alliance. A battle between fresh milk (ie pasteurized milk) and room temperature milk broke out immediately.

There is no temperature to speak of in the capital struggle, and Mengniu and Yili have used unscrupulous means to the extreme.

On the afternoon of February 2, 2005, the National Standardization Management Committee held an expert seminar on the "fresh" labeling of liquid milk in the meeting room of the Committee. About 40 people participated in the meeting, including the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Standards Committee, and China Milk. Industry Association, China Dairy Industry Association, National Food Industry Standardization Technical Committee, Sanyuan, Mengniu, Yili, Heilongjiang Dairy Group and other relevant experts or responsible persons.

Interestingly, a letter from Tetra Pak Communications Director Yang Bin to the leaders of the China Dairy Association was brought into the venue and distributed to the participants one by one. The letter strongly expressed his support for the "fresh ban". At the same time, the Inner Mongolian government is also undercurrents. At that time, these dogs were not exposed to the sun, but they also laid the groundwork for the inter-provincial pursuit in 2018.

As a result, as Mengniu and Yili wished, the state stipulates that the outer packaging of low-temperature fresh milk can no longer use names such as "fresh milk", but can only use "sterilized milk (milk)" and "pasteurized milk (milk)". and other standard names.

Since then, the low-temperature fresh milk that focuses on "fresh nutrition" has been forced to change its name. Dairy companies that opposed Mengniu Yili have almost been in a slump since then. It was not until January 1, 2008 that the "fresh ban" was lifted. Pasteurized milk can be called back to fresh milk, but the low-temperature fresh milk has lost most of the world. Weak, room temperature milk and modulated milk named after "pure milk" and "breakfast milk" won a big victory, almost monopolizing the liquid milk market.

However, because of this vicious competition, major domestic dairy companies had to sacrifice quality and pursue speed in order to survive, in order to seek a chance of survival under the shadow of Mengniu and Yili. In the short period between 2005 and 2008 Within three years, the domestic dairy industry has gone astray irretrievably.

3 The Flower of Evil Blooms

Even though it won the competition at that time, Mengniu was still in an empty shell state and seriously lacked high-quality milk sources. Mengniu chose to purchase low-quality milk from dairy farmers, and then processed and produced it, because China’s dairy cow production was seriously lagging behind and there was a lack of high-quality milk cows. The opposite of the scarce milk source is the huge demand for milk source, and the battle for fresh milk is imminent.

Because the quality is not up to standard, in order to compete for the market quickly, adding various chemical substances to milk has become the default unspoken rule of major dairy companies. Since leading leaders such as Mengniu and Yili are not afraid of adding, what are you afraid of? What's more, as long as you don't work hard to increase and seize the market, you can't survive in the shadow of Mengniu and Yili.

If the fat is low, add fat powder; if the bacteria exceed the standard, add antibiotics; if the concentration is low, add whey powder; The milk after adding these things can only be guaranteed for six or seven hours. Therefore, hydrogen peroxide should be prepared on the car that sends the milk for inspection, and pour it in quickly before the inspection.

In the next few years, China's dairy industry was completely rotted from source to end, and the bad result was that packs of poor-quality milk powder were sent to the mouths of Chinese children.

In 2008, the big-headed doll incident broke out, and Sanlu became a street mouse that everyone shouted and beaten. Melamine has almost become a nightmare for a generation. Until today, 12 years later, there was a report on the "big-headed doll" in Chenzhou, Hunan in May, even though the report stated that It was not caused by melamine, but it still caused a panic, and the previous nightmare was awakened.

Nowadays, when people mention melamine, they will think of Sanlu, but what you don’t know is that the major dairy companies were almost wiped out, and the current leader of the dairy industry, Yili Mengniu, is also honored on the list. Sanlu was just pushed out and became a top bird, allowing other brands to quietly retire.

Speaking of this, I have to mention Jiang Weisuo, a professional anti-counterfeiting person. In fact, the consequences of adding industrial raw materials frequently broke out as early as 2008. At that time, Jiang Weisuo launched the "West China Dairy Miles" at his own expense of 300,000 yuan in order to expose the industry's shady scenes and rectify China's dairy industry. Action" and sorted out the investigation report "The Dairy Industry in Western China is on the Brink of Collapse".

In order to crack down on counterfeiting, he sold his business, lost his wife, and his two children dropped out of school. As a result, most of the voices attacked him in the society, saying that he was destroying China's dairy industry. It was once rumored that someone would spend 500,000 yuan to buy someone head.

It was not until the melamine incident exploded that more voices understood him. But four years after the melamine incident was exposed, Jiang Weisuo was stabbed to death by his wife who had voluntarily divorced him in 2012. Jiang Weisuo was also stabbed to death with his wife For the remaining 6 youths, the police claimed that it was a family dispute. We don't know whether the real reason was for this.

Holding salaries for everyone will be targeted and stabbed to death. On the contrary, the enterprise that harmed the people will go smoothly and quietly retire. I am afraid that this is also the result that Jiang Weisuo never expected.

What Jiang Weisuo didn't expect was that some victims of the melamine incident were beaten up when they sought justice. Guo Li was a typical example. Guo Li's daughter had kidney stones due to her long-term consumption of Yashili milk powder with melamine added. Yashili wanted to go private, and Guo Li agreed, so in 2009, he asked Guo Li to pay compensation in person in Hangzhou. As a result, Guo Li was arrested by the police and sentenced to 5 years in prison. In 2017, the Guangdong court retried the case and changed the sentence Not guilty, but at this time Guo Li's wife and children were separated, and even the right to see his daughter was restricted.

Capital is ruthless, and soon Mengniu announced the acquisition of Yashili. Mengniu's officials in power pretended to be bewildered in an interview: "We don't know who Guo Li is."

But these are not the most poisonous. I am afraid that what Jiang Weisuo least expects is that this melamine incident not only failed to improve the domestic dairy product standard, but instead became an excuse for Mengniu and Yili to lower the quality of dairy products.

In 2010, Mengniu and Yili declared that due to the melamine incident, industrial raw materials could not be added to milk, so they could not improve the quality of milk sources and milk production technology, and lowered the inspection standards. As soon as the result drops, it is the lowest in the world.

The protein content has been reduced from the old national standard of no less than 2.95 g/100 g to 2.8 g/100 g. The colony is not higher than 2 million CFU/ml (the lower the better), which is 1.5 million higher than the old national standard. In contrast, the standards of the United States and the European Union are much higher than ours. The United States requires milk protein not less than 3.1 grams/100 grams, the total number of colonies is not higher than 300,000 CFU/ml. The European Union has higher requirements, the protein is not less than 3.3 grams/100 grams, and the total number of colonies is not more than 100,000 CFU/ml. You may not be too sensitive to these data, so let me just say it - milk with a protein content of less than 3g is rubbish.

Many people say that the regulations on protein content are for raw milk. Raw milk needs to be processed before it can be sold in the market. During processing, water can be removed by high-temperature flash evaporation technology to increase protein content, and finally reach the hands of consumers. The protein content of milk is still not too low.

This logic is correct, but the reduction in protein content standards will really hurt not consumers, but the entire dairy industry in China.

Since the very beginning, the protein content of raw milk in China has been far lower than the world standard, because most of the Chinese dairy farmers are retail investors, the standards are uneven, and the quality of the breed of dairy cows is extremely low, and the acquired breeding technology is far worse than that of foreign countries. . Faced with such a backward situation, the national standard has been reversely upgraded according to the demand of Mengniu Yili. The result is that the Chinese dairy industry is not enterprising and the quality of the milk source is low. Since you have lowered the standard, why should I spend money? Upgrade yourself? Thankless?

But the low-quality milk will eventually be sold to the general public, and the result is that consumers still pay for the bad results created by Mengniu and Yili.

Not to mention raising the standard of 1.5 million colonies all of a sudden, this is a double damage to the Chinese dairy industry and consumers. What is the significance of this standard?

Taking the United States as an example, the United States requires that the total number of colonies should not exceed 300,000 CFU/ml. The result is an improvement in the quality of the entire industry, and there are clear requirements for equipment and containers that are in direct contact with milk. If it is not a disposable device, before each use, it not only requires full cleaning, but also requires the use of high temperature or chemical reagents for disinfection.

Conversely, thinking about the consequences of our increase to 2 million colonies, it is obviously a backward and unsophisticated production environment. After all, your standards are so low. Why should I not be dirty?

Many people say that after high-temperature sterilization, a large number of bacteria in milk will be killed, but please note that no technology can completely kill bacteria at present. The more bacteria in raw milk, the more bacteria will be left in the end. There are many kinds of bacteria in milk, and most of them will not cause direct reaction to the human body. However, if a cow is infected with Staphylococcus and causes mastitis, it will produce a batch of milk with a relatively high bacterial count. However, due to lower standards, this batch of unqualified raw milk was able to enter the market. This batch of raw milk is then pasteurized to reduce the number of bacteria to a qualified level, and then sold to consumers.

However, the toxins produced by staphylococci prior to pasteurization are still present and active in the milk. If unfortunately someone drinks it, it is possible to suffer from acute gastroenteritis. And this is just one example. There are many bacteria that may be hidden in milk, and the specific consequences are various. Many of them cannot be reported immediately. You can try more cheap milk from Mengniu Yili and experience it for a long time.

As a result, all we have are backward dairy cow breeds, production technology, and industry standards that have been hijacked by the interests of dairy companies.

But how could Mengniu Yili, which is far more ferocious than tigers, leopards and wolves, only harm one industry?

4 The Flower of Evil Spreads

Ever since Mengniu Yili took over the monopoly, everything started to go wrong.

They can kidnap industry standards, fight vicious competition against rivals, quietly retire from the melamine incident, or stop making progress and have another quality scandal in 2012:

In 2012, a junior student in Xi’an published “My Ten Days in Inner Mongolia—Internship Record of Mengniu Ice Cream Processing Site” on the Internet, describing the internship experience in Mengniu as a nightmare: the production site is near the garbage incineration station, and the dormitory is full of flies , They have to work 12 hours a day, they have to register for drinking water and eating, and they will be fined if they make mistakes. There are dozens of fine rules posted in the dormitory, and there is no reward rule. The workshop where small puddings and other products are produced is full of sewage. Ice creams that fall on the ground will also be picked up and continue to be bagged.

For a while, Mengniu was brought to the fore. Mengniu officially verified that the report was true, apologized to the public, and set Weibo as uncommentable.

Other milk companies are even more chaotic. The consequences of vicious competition a few years ago continued to explode. After the melamine incident, major milk powder companies did not focus on improving product quality, but continued to study consumer psychology.

After many milk powder safety incidents, in the minds of Chinese parents, cheap milk powder is already equivalent to fake and shoddy products, and it can even be said that they have suffered from "cheap milk powder phobia". The price, the price once soared to No. 1 in the world.

This directly makes the gross profit margin of Feihe and Biostime, which sell milk powder, close to 70%. The chairman of Feihe once directly said: There are low-priced milk powder, but consumers don’t buy it, thinking that the expensive one is better.

Co-authored by Chinese parents who buy the most expensive milk powder in the world, with one of the world's heaviest worries, they also have to take the blame for the low quality of Chinese milk powder.

By 2018, Yili was able to use the police to pursue him across provinces.

In March 2018, Liu Chengkun, a Beijing-based male writer, was accused of alluding to the senior management of Yili Group because of his serial novel "Out of Ulan" on his personal official account. He was then accused by Yili and arrested by Hohhot police across provinces.

Soon, Yili, based on the principle of "matching men and women and working without fatigue", accused Shanxi female dairy farmer Guo Yuzhen again in April, and was arrested by Hohhot police across provinces.

The cause of the incident was Guo Yuzhen’s real-name report on Yili’s milk farmers on the Internet. The title of the report letter was “Inner Mongolia Yili Company oppresses dairy farmers so much, who will protect the interests of vulnerable dairy farmers”, accusing Yili of often finding various reasons to deprive milk stations and breeding The farmers and milk stations suffer huge economic losses, and fines ranging from several thousand yuan are apportioned to the milk payments of dairy farmers and milk stations in disguise every month. It is the so-called "risk sharing, profit sharing Monopoly".

This situation has been going on for several years, but the dairy farmers dare not speak out, because Yili Mengniu has squeezed other dairy companies to death. If they do not buy their milk, the dairy farmers will have to go bankrupt.

As a result, as soon as she spoke out, Guo Yuzhen was hunted across provinces.

I don’t know if cross-provincial hunting is the official feature of Inner Mongolia. From Hongmao medicinal liquor to Mengniu Yili, they respond to every request. In my previous article ""Poison" Hongmao medicinal liquor is listed on the "Excellent National Enterprise List", the three major power organizations behind it Contributions cannot be missed" (the article has disappeared, and I will have the opportunity to send it to everyone later), I once questioned it. Perhaps it is not Hongmao Medicinal Wine and Mengniu Yili that need to be thoroughly investigated.

Although Mengniu Yili has brought down the atmosphere of the domestic dairy industry, reversed the progress of the Chinese dairy industry, disregarded the interests of consumers, and squeezed dairy farmers, but this does not mean that Mengniu Yili will not be able to produce good milk, but does not want to give the inland People produce cheap and good milk.

When the melamine incident broke out in 2008, Hong Kong raised questions about mainland milk companies. Yao Tongshan, the CFO of Mengniu at the time, said at a press conference facing the Hong Kong media: "The products we send to Hong Kong are the same as the ones we export. It is better and safer than products from the mainland (Mainland).

In 2019, at the Summer Davos Forum, Mengniu Dairy CEO Lu Minfang emphasized this point again: We always put the best products in the Hong Kong and Singapore markets.

From Mengniu and Yili's 6 behaviors and 6 major crimes towards the entire dairy industry, competitors, consumers, farmers, the government, Hong Kong and the entire mainland, I have to question: Is your heart right? Gone bad?

Now that the two major dairy companies are still going smoothly and have been canonized as "national enterprises", it seems that no one is willing to ask questions, let alone answer them.

5 Epilogue

When the domestic epidemic is gradually easing and all walks of life are beginning to recover, it seems a bit inappropriate for me to pick up these scandals about Mengniu Yili. I even worry about whether I will be chased by the powerful Mengniu Yili across provinces.

But I really can't stand the voice of the so-called "national enterprises". Not all enterprises are worthy of being called national enterprises, and not all enterprises are worthy of our own money to maintain. At least those that destroy the entire industry have caused China's dairy industry to regress and squeeze dairy farmers. , Enterprises that disregard the interests of consumers are not worthy.

When I write this article, I want to question not only why Mengniu and Yili are not responsible for the evil they have done, but also: Mengniu and Yili, are your hearts broken? You want the profits of the leader and the pockets of the common people. Are you willing to take on the responsibility of the leader?

Why am I questioning? And why hold them accountable?

Because they occupy a monopoly position, stepping on the fate of China's dairy industry, the lives of more than one billion people in the mainland, and China's style and reputation in the world.

As long as I don't wait for their answers, my questioning will not stop.

They don't say it, the media doesn't say it, so I will say it.

History does not remember, I will help you remember.


[1] "Reducing the protein index, another "crying point" of the "new raw milk standard"" Nutshell

[2] "Relaxing the bacteria index, what does the "new raw milk standard" mean?" 》Husk

[3] "Claim to Yashili: Guo Li's 10-year road to rights protection for the father of the "baby with stones"" Sanlian Life Weekly

[4] "Yili has been arrested across provinces again! 》Attorney Zhai Zhenyi

[5] "20 years of China's dairy industry: Mengniu Yili has become a "duopoly", where are the opportunities for new brands? 》New consumer internal reference

[6] "Intrigue, Intrigue: Twenty Years of Mengniu Yili Struggle History" Kitchen Human Research Institute


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