"Strangers Met in Namtso" (5) Everest Base Camp (I)

She held onto his arm tightly as a handrail, only to endure the bumps for hours. He didn't shrink, and she didn't let go.
Yang Zhuo is wrong

She and he waited for the driver to pick him up at the door of the hotel at 7:00 in the morning.

They knew early on that this small package group consisted of four people and a driver, two men and two women. Except for him and her, the other two were traveling alone, and the travel agency helped them together. So at night he would have room with a boy in the same group, and she would have room with another girl in the same group.

That's not bad, she thought.

They first went to Yangzhuo Yongcuo, also known as Yanghu.

Yanghu Lake is a little smaller than Namco, and there is no snow-capped mountain as a background. She whispered to him:

"Namcuo is still the most beautiful!"


He responded with a smile.

In this way, they seem to have a little secret in common.

After watching Yanghu Lake, they set off to the next big station: Shigatse.

She sat with him in the back seat, while the other two girls in the group sat in the front seat, and the man sat next to her and him.

Originally, she was sitting near the window. But then she asked to change positions, wanting to see the scenery in front. So she sat between the two boys.

After several hours of driving, they finally arrived at the only scenic spot in Shigatse, the Zaburun Monastery.

It is not so much a temple as it is an ancient city. There are few Tibetan buildings one after another, and she feels a sense of peace and tranquility when walking among them.

Zabulun Temple

On the first night of the trip, they stayed in Shigatse, a passing city without any features. Almost everyone sees it as a stopover to different tourist attractions, and they are no exception.

The driver also reminded them that if they want to buy anything, Shigatse is the last point. If you want to buy anything else, you almost have to go back to Shigatse to buy it again.

That night, everyone was very tired. After eating the delicious Sichuan food that the driver took them to eat, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

The girl who shared the room with her was from Chongqing. She was very beautiful, with a good figure and fair complexion.

She was originally worried that she would not get along with the girl, but after talking about it, she found that many of her views were unexpectedly similar to hers, and they were very compatible. It is rare that this beautiful Chongqing girl is not arrogant, she likes her even more.

The two have similar views: After reading so many books, how can you easily get married and give up everything? !

The two of them went to sleep after talking for a while. In bed, she thought, compared with Chongqing girls, who is easier to walk out of her own way? Which society has a stronger hold on people?

In a daze, she thought, perhaps, the society restrained him even more.

She woke up early in the morning.

She thought, did he get up yet?

She decided to get out of the hotel and take a good look at the surroundings here.

She has seen the driver prepare the car for an expedition from afar, so she will not harass him.

She was walking around and met such a lovely girl.

Tibetan girl

She can't communicate well with her, the girl can only speak Tibetan.

However, laughter is the language of the world. The two of them giggled at each other. Finally, the girl shyly walked away.

At this moment, she heard his voice.

"How do you go to flirt with your sister?"

She looked back and saw him.

"What do I have to do with you when I tease my sister?"

"Then I'll tease my sister again, okay?"

"You want to tease your sister, why are you asking me..."

"Because I want to tease you!"

After that, he fiddled with her hair with a smile, then walked away.

Leave her there crying and laughing.

After breakfast, a group of them set out on the road again. They first took the car to Dingri for lunch, and after completing the formalities, a group of four set off for Mount Everest.

The off-road tour officially begins.

The whole road was gravel and bumpy, and she sat in the middle of the back row of the off-road vehicle again. The bumps were "bumps among bumps", and she felt as if she was about to be thrown out of the car.

So, she had to push her body forward as much as possible and move her center of gravity down to feel better.

However, when she got to those consecutive S-shaped sections, she was still half-dead, and she began to regret asking for a seat in the middle of the back row.

On the way to Mount Everest

In the end, she held onto his arm tightly as a handrail and survived the bumps for hours.

He didn't shrink, and she didn't let go.

He was too tight and tired, so she grabbed his arm and fell asleep.

When he arrived at the Everest base camp parking spot, he went to smoke.

The other two smiled and asked her: Where's your pillow?

She smiled awkwardly and didn't answer.

(To be continued)


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