"Random Creation" between me and him


It's getting colder recently, and one day my body temperature was measured to be only 35 degrees, hehe. Am I sick? Or is it a machine that measures body temperature? Fortunately, I have recently started changing to new quilts, so I don’t have to shiver to sleep and wake up cold because of the warmth. In addition, I also bought a hot pack that can be attached to my clothes. I also observed the physical condition and knew how to soak some small bags at any time. Calorie drinks raise my body temperature, and piles of tea bags, coffee bags and soup bags in the room can accompany me through the gradually cold winter.

Recently, I thought of a small story I wrote before, which was about the theme of "family love", so I left the other half of the story aside (laughs), and sprinted the story with all my strength. I have finally finished the first draft, but the most difficult "revise" I'm still stuck, but should be about to give birth. Originally, I wanted to give up, because this theme was the most painful thing for me, but luckily there was "Curse Back to War" to let me replenish my blood (UP). Can continue until the end, ha.

The power of animation is so great (hello).

I just listened to the radio and suddenly thought of a small thing on a whim, so I wrote it casually, and just struggled to write two ugly characters with a brush

It’s really fun to create casually, it’s completely different from writing a story (haha)

"Between Me and Him"

Originally wanted to write "you", but after thinking about it, changed "he" to "others"

When I was born, I only knew many "others".

Some are the ones who take care of me and scold me, that is, my parents.

It is brothers and sisters who compete with me for resources, rob each other for remote controls, and attack each other for hair and clothes.

Others, strangers, who do not live together are "others".

That's when I began to learn to "recognize" the differences and relationships between me and others.

Since I was a child, I knew that to be noisy, cry, and even fight with each other, is to grab the candy you want to eat, the toys you want to play with, especially the remote control, and rush to watch the Japanese animation you want to watch.

"I want this!", "I don't want it!", "Don't rob me!", "I want this!!"

When I was a child, I started to speak, and it was the sentence that started with "I".

Endless expressions of what "I" is, how "I" feel right now, and what "I" want.

This line is particularly useful in hypermarkets and department stores, and I have fought countless times with my parents there, just to fight for the things that I can buy every time I hope. It's a life and death battle.

At that time, I was really like a little devil with endless desires~

Started to go to school, was pushed into a group of people, was numbered, even had a piece of paper, there was a ranking, and his name was only one of the forty or so. For the first time, I felt the pain and constraints of "living in the system".

Obey the teacher, or graduation will be a dead end. Even a bad teacher is hard to get rid of.

Don't conflict with classmates, otherwise it will be very troublesome to be bullied, and life will be worse than death. Sometimes a lot of things have to be held back.

In an instant, "I" became smaller, and "he" became larger.

If I want to know how to "survive", I can only start to learn "to endure" and "obedience".

It is especially painful for me to understand "group life" in particular.

After leaving the society, it is another subject

Teachers have become bosses, bosses, supervisors, and team leaders. Basically, people who have no ability or academic qualifications can only obey absolutely, unless they want to be fired, or have their salary deducted, be targeted to kill you every day, and arrange excessive work to make them. You are overworked.

The classmates have become guests, and there must be no conflict or malicious words, unless the supervisor is on his side.

After hell comes purgatory. Played endlessly.

"I" basically ends up being insignificant, zero at all.

But as long as the salary and monthly salary are brought in every month, looking at the "row of numbers", even "zero" can continue to endure.

until the price is paid.

after paying the price

Suddenly cowardly and ugly

Slowly repent of everything.

Take good care of your body again, take good care of your heart again, and take good care of your life along the way


I'm starting to want to declare war on everything

"unreasonable", "disrespectful", "impolite" everything

Especially when listening to the radio, I heard a sentence: "Take care of yourself as your own child, protect, educate, and defend yourself." This sentence reminded me a little bit.

Although the process also costs a lot

After he started to speak his mind, he was really framed badly.

It also made me really see a lot of things

Some people just like the "obedient me", the "submissive me", the "submissive me"

not the "real me"

Gradually, everything that is not suitable for you, slowly get rid of yourself

Slowly, I began to understand who and things I am with

We present a subtle resonance, joy, joy, sharing

There is no excessive dependence, excessive "tilt"

"I" and "he" are regardless of age, income, status, position, job, etc.

we are equal

Even if you are the boss, you must respect the basic rights and interests of the employees. What should be given is to be given, otherwise I will leave.

Even if you are the son or child of someone else, if you make a mistake, you will receive the same punishment as the average person, otherwise you will have to keep making headlines

Although I respect your right to speak, it does not mean that I can tolerate your arbitrary criticism, personal attacks, and lies.

Although you are my relatives and friends, my bottom line is that you are not allowed to trample and violate at will. If you dare, I will not be polite.

when in this state of mind

Suddenly I can get an unimaginable joy

I also gradually learned what kind of people I like to chat with and get along with

You can chat from the heart, you can chat for a long time, forget the time

To put it exaggeratedly, it feels like entering a realm of infinite resonance (laughs).

This kind of fate is very precious.

The above sudden little emotion

In fact, I am still in the state where "I" is smaller than "he", and I am often in the obsession of doubting my own value.

Always think that others are better than you, better than yourself, and happier than yourself

I have always lived in the hell of "comparison", and this hell is created by my "heart"

not real

are illusory

But it keeps eroding my spirit

But now I have made a little progress. Occasionally, I can reach "equality", but I can't find it www.

More dare to express, or indirectly express, haha.

All I know is that it’s impossible to go back to the carefree, carefree, “me” situation I was in when I was a kid.

Because it is impossible to go back to being a child again. One can only grow up until the end.

It should be said that adults are often self-centered, which will definitely pay the price and cause problems.

However, the difference between "self-centeredness" and "being yourself" is that the former does not respect others and casually hurts and attacks people

The latter is to learn to respect oneself and others, express opinions and strive to seek common values and create a win-win situation.

There is a saying: "Others are hell."

But I believe there is also the possibility of becoming heaven.

After all, people are really too complicated, too contradictory, and too interesting.


Cultivating this way is difficult!

Ha, I hope that one day we can change from "equality" to a realm where the two of them "glow and shine together" is (beaten) hehe


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

YvonneEcho喜愛三毛的文筆靈魂、希望有天也能行走世界、紀錄一切。 https://linktr.ee/yvonneecho
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