

I watched a lot of youtube and my hands are itchy and I leave a message. _

There's nothing wrong with being good but hell can be just a human collective consciousness telling others not to do bad things and there should be critical thinking I'm surprised that no one who died for his brother was reincarnated? But these are not important. Doing good deeds is the most important thing

A lot of media reports are just like people. Listen to this and say something. I absolutely believe that there is a creator and a spirit because of my personal experience. Although I say this, everyone should think about how credible it is, so that you can live soberly and know your mission in life. I think that for so long in the world, these stories are the creators helping mankind evolve. I hope I can think more about that. Seeing the truth and falsehood, he gave us free will, just like you told your little son to do whatever you want, but you have to be responsible for the consequences, so that you can grow because you can't blame others, it's your own choice, or you will fail. The advice given to him by people who always like to blame the body is wrong. The above is definitely recommended to share

Have you ever thought about the authenticity of the Bible? Whoever wrote it. If it was written by a human being, everyone in the world has a different view of the same thing. The person who wrote the Bible, how can you be sure that what he wrote is the expression of the Creator? of? All things will deteriorate through human interpretation. The creator loves the world because he created everyone Seeing a man kill a man is a terrible sin, but you know what he's been through? All people kill people because of various reasons, it's just a behavior, just like the water temperature is too hot, of course you will shrink your hands. There is no right or wrong, only the truth, but right and wrong are determined by people.


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