Don't talk logic to the gangsters, you will lose if you are serious.


Yesterday, I saw a video of Papi, which is generally used to satirize and metaphorize the current Internet environment. Whenever someone speaks out about certain events, there must be "barbarians" who come out to pick on them.

web link​

The story described in the video took place in the office, when Papi said: "The new colleague is wearing a nice suit."

As a result, one of the colleagues responded: "Are you insinuating that other people don't look good in suits?"

As a result, the role of the good man played by papi sauce, for fear of being misunderstood by colleagues, tried to explain, but the more explanations, the more attacks by colleagues. In short, someone can always pick out thorns from her kind explanation to attack her.

Then I threw this question into my community and asked everyone: "If you were Papi, what would you do in the face of your colleagues' 'prickly' behavior?"

In fact, the role Papi plays in the video is a role that most people in the real world will show, either eager to explain, or obediently shut up. The heart behind it is that they don't want to cause trouble and keep things calm. Especially under the influence of the long-standing culture of "forbearance", those who dare to fight back with a tough attitude will always be a very small number in the crowd.

The reply of a friend in the group was quite impressive. He said:

Then, he gave a simple example in a quiz game:

To sum up, his point of view, to put it bluntly, is "if you encounter a gangster, don't use logic."

Later, I also asked my boyfriend, because I was more curious about how foreigners would respond to this kind of behavior, so he gave his answer:

"I'm talking about new arrivals, not other people, so please shut up and don't change the subject of the conversation, let's continue to appreciate how good the suits of our new colleagues are."
not kidding:
"If I tell you that you look ugly in this suit, by your logic, does that mean everyone else looks good in this suit??? No, it just means that you look good in this suit ugly."

Dismantling his "breakthrough ideas", to put it bluntly, there are two skills.

First, do not give the other party the opportunity to divert and diverge the topic. Second, use the other party's thinking and reverse thinking to "fight" the other party.

These two modes can basically achieve the purpose of making the other party realize their own problems and choose to shut up.


Two days ago, Ding Taisheng posted a Weibo:

I don’t know if you have noticed that during the outbreak of the epidemic, the phenomenon of “lifting the bar” on the Internet has doubled than in previous years, and many people’s evaluation of the incident is full of intense emotions, resentment, and even abuse and attacks.

Including myself, I never take the initiative to "block" or "report". There are probably dozens of people who have been "blocked" and "reported" by me this year.

I couldn't help but start to reflect on my own behavior. I consider myself to be a mild-mannered person, and I don't want to compete with others. A person who pays close attention to money, talks about things calmly, and finds that there are always people who can change. Laws come to pick on you, you and others carefully deconstruct the logic, and even explanations are really useless.

Therefore, for me, if I encounter excessive remarks that insult my personality, I don't need to say anything and report it back, and I don't need to fight.

Be sure to learn to avoid wasting your time and emotions on unnecessary people.


When some people start to express their voices against different "points of view", they are completely unaware that they are already in the "raise bar" mode.

Before, a picture that went viral on social platforms was an excellent explanation for this psychological effect. Even when people see this picture, more than 80% of the people still think that they are definitely not the group of people who are on the "mountain of ignorance", but the people who are on the peak of "mountain of ignorance" in this picture are precisely accounted for more than 80%.

Therefore, even with such straightforward graphics, people's ability to interpret "information" is still uneven, let alone interpreting some complex issues in society?

For my readers, I believe that most of them have good logic and literacy themselves. Therefore, when you are faced with opinions that differ from your own voice, there are two ways to go:

1. Save your attention, choose to ignore it, and don't waste too much time and energy on unimportant people or things.

2. Stand in the opponent's position and think about why he said this, maybe it can help you open up other ideas.

The professor of Nanjing University mentioned that: the battle of values ​​is more cruel than the epidemic.

A society that can tolerate different voices and viewpoints is a sign of a truly open society, and it is also a manifestation of the progress of the society.

I also know very well in my heart that sometimes some of the opinions in the articles I write may not be the same as yours. After all, I occasionally get scolded by passers-by and even former fans because of my own expressions. I have experienced a "take off" sent by others, and also experienced "abusive" from others.

But I also clearly know that there are always some friends who are willing to read and keep following me even when they see that my views may not agree with theirs. You may be followers, but you are also my friends. You have accompanied me all the way to the present. In fact, in terms of "heart" , I believe you must have surpassed many others.

Here, I want to say thank you to you all.


In this article, I don't want to use the words "gang fine", after all, these two words are slightly insulting. Even if it is really "barbarian", I will have a kind of empathy in it.

I know that such people are often limited by their own experience or education and background, resulting in the following two characteristics:

First, strong verbal competitiveness

Second, wrong logic and way of thinking

Therefore, you will find that they often start the topic with interrogative sentences or rhetorical questions. When you try to answer the other party's question, you will first point out his logical errors, but it is precisely because of their cognitive limitations, even in your After pointing it out, they also fail to recognize that there is something wrong with the way they ask questions, and coupled with their competitiveness, the end result is that he thinks you are wrong.

So in such a situation, I suggest:

1. If you can't make him realize that his problem is unreasonable, stop arguing and save attention.

2. If the other party is your inevitable contact object, such as classmates, colleagues, etc., when the other party deliberately raises the bar with you, directly use a strong tone to bring the topic back to itself , or simply follow the other party on the issues raised by the other party . The "logic" continued to think backwards, and then told him to shut up. (Avoid using your own logic to persuade the other party, because it is useless.)

Finally, don't over-distort and interpret a point of view, and don't be critical of and magnify a concept. With fewer teams and less binary opposition between black and white, people will become a lot happier, at least they won't appear ignorant.

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Public number: Fan Misuo ( thinking style, efficiency tools, free e-books)

Weibo: Slash Girl Fan Misuo (fragmented thinking, photos, lifestyle)


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