[The Crying Fool] - I only like you, stupid

赫海寫手 Moon&Sun 0415
He Haitianwen✨ After 1400 words, ambiguous, two-way secret love (but Li Donghai is a silly boy with rich emotions, so I don't know why I cry)

When he opened the door and saw Lee Donghae, Lee Hyukjae was not surprised at all, grabbed the slippers from the ground and threw them on the sofa, hummingly said, "The floor is cold, and I don't wear slippers."

Li Donghai rolled off the sofa with a thud, put on his slippers, and dashed towards Li Hezai's arms. "You are finally back!"

"Didn't you just see it this morning?" Li Hezai stroked Li Donghai's hair and smoothed out the upturned hair. Li Donghai always smells of laundry detergent. Although he is full of muscles, his body is soft when he is not exerting himself. In addition, he has a tender face, and his eyes are pure and hot, like a young boy who is very cute.

Li Hezai hugged Li Donghae and didn't want to let go, until Li Donghae pushed him away, sat down on the sofa, and took a mug and sipped green tea. Li Donghae was sipping tea, and he didn't dare to look at Li Hezai at all, and didn't dare to think about why his heart was beating wildly uncontrollably when he was holding Li Hezai.

"Drinking tea on an empty stomach will cause stomach pain, fool." Lee Hyuk Jae opened a pack of nuts, took Lee Donghae's hand, and poured it into his palm. Li Hezai's hand was very dry, and it was still warm in the winter. The heat reached the tip of Donghai's ears. He withdrew his hand and said thank you blankly.

Li Hezai rubbed a handful of Donghae's hair, and smiled helplessly: "What are you being polite to me, I have entered the house by myself and thank you for this." Come on, I guess I got tired from the announcement and went to take a shower.

Li Donghai bit the nuts, lay back on the sofa, grabbed the pillow, and buried his entire face in it.

He kicked and kicked his legs, feeling that it was difficult to breathe, but he didn't want to raise his head to inhale. It was very similar to Li Hezai's arms, unable to breathe and unable to think. The warm feeling when holding Li Hezai just now was still in his chest, but Li Donghae wanted to laugh, but he couldn't.

Li Donghae didn't know why the embankment suddenly collapsed, but the love that has been accumulated for a long time will break out. Looking at Li Hezai's wet hair and clean white appearance after removing his makeup, he put on his pajamas and looked softly at himself. His eyes, full of emotions, and complicated emotions all flooded up for a while, and Li Donghai's first reaction turned out to be crying.

After holding back until the corners of his eyes turned red, Li Donghai still couldn't hold back, and burst into tears under Li Hezai's astonished gaze. It wasn't a big cry, it was a stream-like stream of tears.

Although Li Donghae developed lacrimal glands, he didn't cry when he was fine. Li Hezai was stunned for a while, then walked quickly to Li Donghae, squatted down and touched his forehead, "Are you having a fever? Are you feeling sick? What are you crying for?"

Li Donghai shook his head, leaned forward on Li Hezai's body, turned his face to lie on Li Hezai's shoulder, he couldn't hold back the tears, the tears and the water dripping from the ends of Li Hezai's hair made Li Hezai's pajamas wet.

When Lee Hyuk Jae wanted to lift Donghae's face up and ask him carefully, Lee Donghae suddenly wiped away his snot and tears, pushed him away, got up and rummaged through the cupboard to find the hair dryer that Lee Hyukjae was forced to use only when he came to him, plugged it in, and sat down. Behind Lee Hyuk Jae, he started to blow his hair.

Seeing Li Donghae's movements, Li Hezai almost laughed angrily. Li Donghae was always doing strange things at strange times.

Turning around and unplugging the hair dryer, and grabbing Lee Donghae's hand, Lee Hyukjae said solemnly but softly, "Tell me, why are you crying?"

Li Donghai put down the hair dryer and the tears slowly stopped, but he didn't know how to explain why he was crying.

"If you have a girlfriend in the future, will you ignore me?" Li Donghai spit out this sentence weakly.

Thinking of the picture of Li Hezai holding hands with others, Li Donghai felt numb in his heart, his tongue was so sore that he was about to bleed, and the pain made his eyes burst into tears.

Seeing that, Lee Hyuk Jae was a little flustered, he held up Lee Donghae's face and said eagerly, "Hey, why are you crying again."

Li Donghai looked into Li Hezai's eyes, his eyes were hot, he held back his tears, but his voice trembled: "I'm afraid you will ignore me."

Li Hezai laughed, what did this kid look at, why was he worried about such an impossible thing.

"I won't ignore you, what are you thinking?" Li Hezai touched Li Donghae's head and said softly like a child, holding Li Donghae into his arms.

Surrounded by Hezai's familiar scent, Li Donghai instantly felt relieved, and rubbed against Li Hezai's arms, sticking to his chest without moving.

"I didn't want to have a girlfriend either, fool." Lee Hyuk Jae patted Lee Donghae on the back, his arms tightened. Li Donghae was in his arms, and he couldn't hear Li Hezai's whisper, "I like you."


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赫海寫手 Moon&Sun 0415Instagram: eunhae_stories 專寫赫海文✨ 能有一個人這樣陪伴你,不論以何種身份,親密又溫暖,多好啊。
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