After so many years of anti-pornography, why is it still so rampant?


The Chinese market is so vast, and a country with such a large population has a lot of demand; as long as you do it blatantly, people will not find you. After all, this kind of thing is liked by all men. This is a lucrative industry, and it is easy for men to become dependent on this kind of thing, just like we eat every day.

At first, I could find some sites by searching for keywords on Baidu. I remember that in 2015 , when I searched for丝袜性爱on Baidu, I could find several small pornographic sites. Since then, I have become more and more interested in this thing. I'm interested, and sometimes I think about it myself: let's just be the stationmaster of Aiwei. Of course, this is just a temporary idea.

It is really rare to do it, and it requires a professional team; in my understanding, other teams are like this: they are a group of people who shoot, edit, and translate videos, for everyone who needs to watch Korean, Japanese, and Hollywood blockbusters The users of AV provide resources, and then cooperate with AV webmasters to add their team's exclusive link in the upper right corner of the video, and get the corresponding remuneration through registered users or recharged users.

They are a group of people who are willing to share, loyal to sharing and open source. Provide a lot of resources for all those in need, their identities are mysterious, they live in places that others can't see at all, and when there is a need, they will stand up; just like hackers and red guests, hackers are never welcome , but when the country is in crisis, they will stand up recklessly.


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