Little Sun's youth on-demand time

A youthful memory of working in a factory has set off memories of on-demand. Let's play on-demand songs and give them to your favorite self or your favorite friends!

Hearing ear calluses in the factory, the most popular song of the year

Author Little Sun's Star and Heart

When I was in high school, a distant relative was the director of an electronic parts factory. At that time, it was a booming era of Taiwan's computer industry. His factory was too busy to supply computer substrates in three shifts.

One day, he came to me and asked me that his head was about to explode because of the lack of people in his factory. He asked me if I would like to help during the summer vacation. I said, I am child labor, can I? It’s good to earn pocket money, but I’m also worried that it will hurt him. My relatives of the factory manager waved their hands and said that they were fine, and they said that I was a “construction-education cooperation”. It's really going to happen when you get out!

That's it... Since he said so.

The so-called "Educational Cooperation" refers to students who work in factories during the day and attend night school at night.

The relative factory manager kept shouting that now the establishment of education cooperation cannot recruit students, and the lack of people is a complete mess. I think it's the same, what time is it, everyone has to go to ordinary high schools, colleges and graduate schools, who wants to establish educational cooperation!

So I really went to the factory to work. My job is to "solder the battery", that is, when the substrate flows from the production line, take the substrate, the left-hand tin wire, the right-hand electric welding gun, melt the tin wire with the electric welding gun, and firmly weld the small battery to the substrate. , the function of the small battery is the time running in the computer, and so on.

After welding, it is put back on the production line and passed to the next station for another processing.

The content of the work is not difficult, and the welding torch is very handsome when you are used to it. Basically, it is a very fulfilling job.

TV is not allowed in the factory, only the radio can be heard. I remember listening to "Li Jizhun Time" at 3:15 in the summer vacation. There was also a pair of male and female hosts. I forgot their names. The radio programs at that time were very Popular song order is to call the radio station and ask to play the specified song for the person he likes. For example, a boring man who can't catch a girl will click "The girl across from you", and a frustrated man will click Ren Xianqi's "" "Sad Pacific" listen to yourself, and those who have been mutiny will order Wu Bai's "Ronin Love Song"... Every afternoon in the factory, I will listen to the songs on demand by those I don't know. Popular songs are memorized clearly.

I see that there are many male students who cooperate with the establishment of education in other units. The factory manager must have done it on purpose. I don’t know why the production line I was distributed is the big brother and the big sister. It doesn’t matter. When it comes to dating, the big brothers and the big sisters are very talkative and love me Hala, until one day in August, a new partner came.

A boy who founded the educational cooperation was transferred from another unit for support. A boy who was a little older than me from the mainland had the same job as me, "welding batteries".

This is the first time in my life that I have come into contact with a mainlander, let alone a mainlander. He came to Taiwan when he was fifteen years old. I don't know what his perception of his own positioning is? Let's just say, the mainland...the people who come here are fine.

We chatted while listening to Li Jizhun's broadcast time. He said that his grandfather lived in Taiwan, so he came to rely on his grandfather. He and his grandfather were the only people at home in Taiwan.

One time during a break, I saw that he was drawing lines very seriously. I said what are you doing? He actually said that he was reciting an English dictionary!

Clam? What? Back to English dictionary? Are English dictionaries used for memorization?

He said that he wanted to learn English well, so he had to memorize the entire dictionary. I didn't know him well, but I just thought this man was really weird...

Another day, the eldest sister who was soldering the battery together did not come. He and I were the only two people at the "Welding Battery" station. The production line was expelling the substrates at the same speed. As my eyes flowed, the boy had to cut it all the way, and it didn't take long for his elbow to become a base plate hill.

I hurriedly apologized to him, I'm sorry, I'm slow in welding, I've gone to your place, I won't rest during the rest time, I will be responsible for finishing it!

He said that he was a boy, and he should have done more welding. Although he said so verbally, he still questioned whether I was fishing in troubled waters? He turned around and asked me, "Why did you solder that board for so long?"

I said, I soldered the battery crookedly, so I removed it and re-soldered it, and it was crooked for the second time, so I kept re-soldering and re-soldering, the more crooked I soldered, the more dissatisfied I became, and it took a lot of time .

He was puzzled, "It's okay to be a little crooked, as long as the electric discharge comes out..."

"I don't like that crooked, not at all..." I had a strange obsession when I was a teenager.

He thought I was incredulous. Looking at the pile of substrates, he seemed a little unhappy, "You are very strange! And you're... pretty quirky!"

It was the first time in my life that someone said turtle hair, and when I heard it, I was stunned.

He said that he had been in Taiwan for so many years, and he didn't know there was a ghost!

"You're still not memorizing the dictionary, it's even weirder...!" I said.

"Then can you write the word "turtle"? "He's clearly provocative.

"Bullshit! Of course I will! What's wrong with me, the Chinese language is the best, you, you... bring a pen!" I was quite confident in Chinese.

The big brothers and big sisters in the same line all thought that the two of us were invincible and invincible. We must have seen the right eye, but it was not. We were writing the word "turtle" in the competition!

Later, during the rest time, he turned out to be an old bird of educational cooperation. He went to ask the monitor, don't turn off the electricity, we have a lot of unwelded...

Because that time, I cultivated a little revolutionary feeling, and then I started chatting randomly, even talking about boring things like whether you look like your father or mother... He said he looked like a father, I said I was the opposite of you, I look like Like mother, he suddenly said, your mother should be pretty...

(Ah...Thank you, my mother is not ugly...Although the factory manager is my relative, but even if you say that, the battery that you can't weld will not decrease...) I thought to myself.

At that time, he must have felt very bad, why did he match a set with a fast and furious like me, which caused him to have unfinished batteries....

that's it. Our boring conversations continued until the people outside the window couldn't listen, and fell from the trees, and the summer vacation was over.

At the end of the summer vacation, I left. I just remember him saying that his grandfather didn’t have much money on veterans’ retirement stipends, so he had to continue to cooperate with teachers, and he would lose the company money when he went to study in the general high school in the day department.

That relative only came to see me when the butt was on fire, but no contact was made after that. I don't know what happened to the boy from the mainland. Have you finished memorizing the English dictionary? Did you become a factory manager?

Recalling the days of working while listening to the radio, let me order a song for myself!

I like Zhang Yu's songs very much. Zhang Yu's songs have accompanied me through many youthful years. I think the lyrics written by his wife Shijilang are really classic.


"I received a call now, and the stars and hearts of the listeners, Little Sun, would like to send a song to the "self who has been working very hard". Let's enjoy the song "Little Sun" of the same name that the listener Little Sun ordered to him."

The song of the same name for myself, a little sun

It is an extravagant expectation to expect the love of others, it is better to love yourself the most real, everyone must be their own light and their own sun.


"The stars and hearts of the listeners will want to play songs, and Zhang Yu's "Miracle" will be listened to @Miracle|Miracle Broadcasting Station . Hope Miracle Broadcasters can hear it! on-demand reason,

I found a song with the same name as you, thank you for your kindness and beauty, listen to a song and relax! "

"Miracle", the song of the same name for Sister Miracle

Who do you want to order a song for? Welcome to leave a message in the message.

I'm not responsible for playing it! Ha ha.

Friends who want to order a song as a gift, please attach the URL of the song and the name of the person to be sent, and deduct the other person to listen to it, and tell me why you want this song.


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