[wangzhuan] TimeStope makes time into a blockchain, and joins early to get more lost time. Never Waste / Mobile Mining

Ever thought of turning bedtime into real money? It might be possible in the future. Today I will introduce TIMESTOPE, a mobile application developed by a Korean team in October of the previous year. Among the many mobile cryptocurrency applications, Timestope is also the leader

Ever thought about making money while you sleep? Maybe in the future. - TimeStope for a good night's sleep

Taken from Google Play

Introducing TIMESTOPE today

This is a mobile application developed by a Korean team in October of the previous year.

Timestope is also one of the best among the many mobile cryptocurrency applications.

Start using TimeStope now and mine your fortune.

  • ★Timestope app can be downloaded in Play Store


Collecting bitcoins back then would be ridiculed and ridiculed. These actions take away your motivation to collect bitcoins.

Now those people are still laughing, and live. If it were you now, would you work hard?

Introducing TIMESTOPE TIME Coin

The time currency unit is τ, and each τ is an hour of time. We each work on a 24-hour cycle each day.

After registering to use TimeStope, as long as you keep checking in every day, it will give you 24τ time coins per day.

The individual collected 8760τ time coins in one year.

However, due to the need to continue to give the inviter a 40% profit per τ, the invitee can only get 14.4τ of time coins per day. (every user, no exceptions)

Soon, these time coins can be used and traded in TimeStop's games.

In the future, it may be possible to buy pizza, throw drinks, or even buy a car and other currencies that can actually be used in reality.

TimeStope Preliminary Price

The team initially estimated in the white paper that 99% of the world's people can earn an average of $0.0131313 per hour (1.3 cents)

So they guarantee a minimum of 1.3 cents, which should represent the price when the mainnet goes live.

It is also for this reason that many people trade in private and obtain KYC certification through illegal means.

Why do you need KYC certification

KYC verification is for the TimeStope team to know and confirm that you are a real person.

Instead of creating fake accounts through illegal means, just to steal more time coins.

After certification, a certification label will be given next to the name, and permissions will be activated.

Therefore, KYC certification is very important. Only after KYC certification can we ensure one account per person.

Permissions after KYC certification

The total amount of time coins will be transferred to your account, which will become sTIME (represented as usable time coins)
Open time currency branch exchange. Convert sTIME to other types of time coins
Virtual land can be purchased using TimeStope's in-app-LAND
In the future, you can switch to gTIME and play in-app games
  • sTIME - Currency that can be used after kyc is activated
  • lTIME - the currency needed to purchase LAND land
  • gTIME - game currency

If you don't trust TimeStope, you don't need to authenticate, just sign in every day to receive airdrop rewards.

It is also possible to wait until the actual development is successful and then verify it.

Taken from TimeStope official website

How to increase your own time coins?

1. Extend the time for receiving coins

After registering for the free airdrop, there will be a 2-year time limit to claim the airdrop.


Log in daily to earn commuter points
Earn commuter points with ads
Accumulate fixed commuting points to extend the time to collect coins
Taken from TimeStope official website
Earn 300 commuter points and get a 150-day extension
For every 100 commuter points thereafter, you will get a 75-day extension

⇝ If you do not sign in for one day, 3 commuting points will be deducted

(The account will be locked when the commute score is 0, please also note)
When the number of invitees reaches 250, get a 24-month extension

2. Via TimeStope APP

Currently available through

1. Watch ads every day to get time coins.
2. Invite more people to join, and each invitee can get 40% profit per τ of the invitee.
3. Buy TimeStope Land, and a piece of land will be rewarded with 1τ every day. And it will be settled every week.


I own 2 Land and get 2τ profit every day. Every week after that, 14τ will go into my wallet.

4. The official has released 4 promotional videos of TimeStope games,

In the future, we can get more time coins through these 4 games.

Taken from TimeStope YT

TimeStope production reduction

The official announcement of the time coin production reduction time was announced at the end of June.

Starting from October 10 this year, the fixed time will be reduced every year, with a total of 10 reductions.

2022 - 10τ
2024~2025 - 6τ

And so on, it will be reduced to 1τ by 2030

Now it is still in the first stage in 2021. You can receive 24τ time coins every day. Join early to get more opportunities.

After using my invitation code, you can enter my TG/Line group, which will give away mobile phone mining coins from time to time in addition to discussing various mobile phone mining coins.

The mobile mining apps I have participated in will give away pi timestope sperax hi bee gooddollar... These and so on, not only make the atmosphere in the group lively, but also allow everyone to get more profits.

Is it possible for TIMESTOPE to be widely used in the world?

With free access to cryptocurrency and its promotion, everyone in the world can have it quickly.

The value of money is derived from the consensus of all of us. Now TimeStope is still in its infancy,

No one can guarantee the future, but why not spend 1 minute every day to operate and click.

TimeStope Search

Taken from TimeStope official website

Like other search engines, let users find the answers they are looking for.

But TimeStope has an additional reward mechanism. All users can get advertising rewards when they search or click links to TimeStope from product pages.

Rewards are determined by the value of keywords, and will be accumulated to a certain value in the form of time coins and sent.

  • Currently TimeStope Search is still in the beta stage, and there are no rewards to claim.

Interested users can go to the official website to use the search.

How to register for TIMESTOPE

Seeing everyone here, it's finally time for our registration.

1. Download TIMESTOPE from the GOOGLEPLAY store


Google Play Store: TimeStope APP

IOS friends, please wait a moment, it will be launched in the next few months, and everyone who wants to use it can use the simulator to operate it first.

It is recommended to use the BlueStacks emulator, which is an old-fashioned emulator and is relatively safe and easy to use.

2. Click on New Account Registration

Taken from TimeStope APP

3. Registration Details

Taken from TimeStope APP

ID : an account number that you can memorize

Password: a password you can memorize

Witness: Equivalent to the key to register TIMESTOPE

I hope you can use me as your key

My witness invitation code is: x2again

Thank you very much to everyone who used my invitation code.
Please work hard to sign in every day until TIMESTOPE or other coins are listed on the mainnet, and make a profit together.
Friends who have used my invitation code before can enter my TG and LINE groups.
In addition to discussing other free airdrops for mobile phones and information about other cryptocurrencies.
From time to time, there are various mobile phone mining coin activities to activate the atmosphere in the group.

✓Country: country of birth

✓Name: Please fill in your real name correctly, because time coins can only be withdrawn after real-name authentication.

English name: Use the English name on the passport, no symbol "-" is required

(If you do not have a passport, use the website below to enter only your name)


After the translation, the English under "Wei Tuo Ma (WG) Pinyin" is the English name you want to register

Use the English name under the Pinyin of Wetoma (WG)

✓Birthday: Real birthday, required for authentication.

✓The symbol is a relatively important place for certification, please fill in it carefully and correctly.

Send me a message via GMAIL with any questions and I'll put GMAIL below.

4. Confirm whether there are any errors in the information. Filling in errors will affect the subsequent certification.

Double-check all the information for errors, click Next to complete the registration

If you still do not know how to fill in, you can also use the following picture Fanli for reference.

Registration example

5. Backup public key and private key

After registration, we need to backup the public key and private key immediately

This way you can use them to unlock when changing phones

Taken from TimeStope APP

How to enter

Click on the three lines in the upper left corner, then click on Profile

Backup public and private keys

After verifying your email, you can find your password by email

  • There is a 14-day opportunity to modify your personal information after registration, please take advantage of it

6. Last daily check-in to receive time coins

We finally completed the above steps, and then we just need to collect coins and wait for the mainnet to go online

After the mainnet is online, transactions can be carried out, and the time currency will have its value.

Click on the calendar in the lower right corner and spend less than 1 minute trying to sign in every day


Mobile phones cannot carry out any mining, so the name of the airdrop is more in line with this mechanism.

When the mainnet is launched, almost all of their free airdrops will be converted to computer mining.

So the current free coins are a way for them to increase their popularity and future usage.

TIMESTOPE ranks among the top three among many free mobile phone airdrops.

At present, it has only been half a year since the start of the plan, and it is still a good time to enter.

Although there are advertisements, it is not mandatory to watch, and you can choose to close them.

It only takes less than 1 minute to sign in every day to continuously receive airdrops. Why not give yourself a chance with simple actions?

Whether to choose to use the computer to mine on that day, or to receive the airdrop for free now.

■Final Notes■

1. The personal information must be filled in correctly. If you fill in the wrong information, the time currency will be invalid, and the account needs to be re-created.

2. Log in and watch advertisements every day to increase commute points, maximize your time to receive coins and increase the amount of coins.

3. The public key and private key should be backed up, encrypted and compressed and uploaded to the cloud hard disk, or copied by hand at home.

4. After using my invitation code, please send a letter to my GMAIL, and attach the account nickname of the TG or LINE group, so that I can pull everyone into the group.

***Everyone is very welcome to join this big family, let's win the future together and make profits together***

***MY GMAIL: funjamey777@gmail.com

After sending, I see and will reply to confirm

Other mobile phones can receive the airdrop APP for free

(*The number of rice characters is used by myself, it is easy to share with everyone, so as to maximize the various coins that can be received. *No rice characters means that it is still testing whether it is safe. If you have any doubts, please do not use the installation)

*Sperax Play: x2agai

*PI NETWORK: x2again

*TimeStope: x2again

*HI dollar: x2again or click to register

*bee: beefunfuture

*GoodDollars: Click to register

Phoneum: bzsegz3a

midoin: midoagain

alpha: alphafun

one network: x2again or click to register

*Each currency will be given away from time to time. The more friends who use my invitation code, the more coins will be given. Welcome to use more*

Next, I will write a variety of rich articles on the above-mentioned mobile phones for free coins

If you have any other questions, please leave a message below or send GMAIL to me

TimeStope Data Link

TimeStope official website

TimeStope Official Facebook

TimeStope Official Twitter

TimeStope Official TG

TimeStope Official Chinese TG


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