2022/11/27 | Chengdu | 22:02, we started walking

On the evening of November 27, a documentary on Chengdu Wangping Street


Walking route map

19:46 The intersection of Shudu Avenue, Dongfeng Road and Wangping Binhe Road was fenced off with scattered iron fences. There were a few police guarding but it was still accessible.

19:50-21:00 A large number of plainclothes police officers poured into Wangping Riverside Road. There was no violence on the road at the time. Some people on the scene left hand in hand to prevent anyone from being left alone. The plainclothes officers all wore N95 masks, making them easily recognizable in the crowd. Several entrances and exits of Wangping Riverside Road were blocked by police. People who arrived later could only gather near Wuchengmen Bridge and Dongfeng Bridge at the north and south ends of Wangping Riverside Road.

21:05 A large number of people gathered at Wuchengmen Bridge. There were several memorial points on the bridge, and the crowd gathered around them. The police were guarding the scene.

21:38 At the intersection of Dongfeng Road and Wangping Street on Shudu Avenue, plainclothes police officers clashed with the crowd. A large number of police officers arrived and formed a human wall, and began to drive the crowd from west to east along Shudu Avenue.

22:02 A large number of people gathered at Wuchengmen Bridge and began to march eastward along Yushuang Road, shouting and protesting.

22:20 The crowd began to sing the national anthem when they reached Exit C of Yushuang Road Subway Station

Around 22:30, turn right at the intersection of Shuangqiao Road and Shuanghua South Road to Shuanghua South Road

22:38 Turn right at the intersection of Shuanghua South Road, Shudu Avenue and Shuinianhe Road, and head west along Shudu Avenue

22:47-22:56 The crowd was stopped at the entrance of Southwest Electric Power Design Institute. Someone in front of the crowd clashed with the police and was dragged away. The crowd began to retreat collectively for the first time, but did not completely disperse. Then the police lined up and ran towards the place where the crowd was stopped. The crowd rioted and retreated in the opposite direction for the second time. Most of the participants left the scene.

▽On-site video

Around 21:50, flowers, candles and puppies were seen at the Wuchengmen Bridge.
21:45 The crowd at the bridge held up white papers, and the black-clad man from Xinjiang on the right without a mask shouted "We are with everyone"
Around 21:40, the crowd and the gathered police on Wuchengmen Bridge
21:41 Police cars gathered on Dong'an South Road across from Wangping Street. According to statistics, there was a bus, 14 seven-seat medium-sized cars, and five sedans along the street.
21:38 Conflict at the intersection of Shudu Avenue, Dongfeng Road and Wangping Street
21:46 Four Christians expressed their demands and prayed at the intersection of Dongfeng Road and Wangping Street on Shudu Avenue: "Amen, please help all the children present to leave, our Father in heaven"
21:51 Near the intersection of Shudu Avenue, Dongfeng Road and Wangping Street, a large number of police arrived to provide reinforcements and prepare to clear the area
22:08 On Dongfeng Road, Shudu Avenue, the police drove the crowd eastward
Around 22:30, special police and public security vehicles near Dongfeng Road, Shudu Avenue
22:38 The walking crowd reached the intersection of Shudu Avenue Dongfeng Road and the South Third Section of the First Ring Road
Around 22:50, at Dongfeng Road, Shudu Avenue, several plainclothes officers knocked down the protester and dragged him away
22:47 Shudu Avenue Dongfeng Road, four plainclothes officers carried away a pedestrian who had been knocked to the ground
22:53 On the side of Dongfeng Road, Shudu Avenue, a prostitute argued with four plainclothes officers about her companion who was knocked to the ground. Later, her cell phone was snatched away by a man in black on the right.
22:53 Shudu Avenue Dongfeng Road, people sing the national anthem under the watchful eyes of the police
Around 22:50, plainclothes police took the protesters away. The protesters shouted for help but to no avail.
23:02 At a drugstore on Dongfeng Road, Shudu Avenue, a man in an orange jacket cried out that his eyes were attacked by pepper spray, and the drugstore staff provided him with water to wash his eyes.


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