【Atomic Habits Reading Notes-1: How to Make Oneself Beyond the Self of Yesterday? 】

1% improvement every day for one year = 1.01 to the power of 365 = 37 times

Atomic Habits:

1% improvement every day for one year = 1.01 to the 365th power = 37 times;

Regress 1% every day for one year = 0.99 to the 365th power = 0.03 times.

If you set simple goals every day to make yourself progress a little bit, it will actually make a big difference over time. But if you don't try to change every day, and the world is progressing faster than you, then in fact, we will not advance but retreat.

We can set a long-term goal and strive to achieve it in exchange for recognition of ourselves. But will you find that you often set a goal, but after only a week of execution, it returns to the starting point?

For example, everyone wants to lose 20 kg this year, but it is too difficult to lose 3 kg after only one month of dieting! After the next month, the weight will return to 5 kg.

This is because people often use the results as a test of change. Once the results don’t go at their own pace, they will be discouraged or even give up. But it's actually because the results are usually exponential growth, and it takes a long time to see results, but we usually can't wait until then.

Try it next time, don't think about the goal! First, think about whether you have improved a little today compared to yesterday, and whether you have made a little improvement compared to last month.

If there is, then we are changing in the right habit system. Try to be more patient, ignore the goal, focus on the system, and one day it will work!

📚 Atomic Habits eBook: http://moo.im/a/1gptQY

📚 TAAZE book second-hand book discount: https://www.taaze.tw/apredir.html?ap161803418_b_1000573475?a=t

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