

Days of rain finally ceased on Sunday, replaced by a bitterly sunny day.

After I was excited and simply researched the mode of transportation, I dressed up like a net beauty, jumped on the train in the morning and headed straight for Keelung.

At first, when we arrived in Keelung, we were looking for the No. 103 bus, and we focused on taking pictures of the elephant trunk head in the esoteric fishing port.

In the end, I made a mistake and took a good bus from Taiwan to my destination. Because my mobile phone was broken, I could only rely on free WiFi to survive that day. Besides, my small bag was packed with a bulky tablet and a DSLR camera. .

What's worse, after the last experience of wearing sandals to climb the trail, I still haven't changed my style, still

Wear sandals and follow the rugged journey of the tourists straight up the rocky seaside.

Back view of tourists

After fighting for more than an hour to take pictures with tourists under the scorching sun at Elephant Trunk Rock, I walked staggeringly without a hat, bought a bottle of Roselle tea, and walked 900 meters back to Shenzhen-Macao Fishing Port to wait for the arrival of the last train.

Later, I found out that since the Shenzhen-Macao Fishing Port is in Ruifang, it is very close to the major check-in attractions in Keelung and Ruifang, and the Shuinandong Fishing Port is nearby.

However, because I came here by the Taiwan Haoxing Binhai Qixing Line, I think that the bus riders can count the time along the line to take the Taiwan Haoxing to visit the natural attractions in Keelung.

Keelung Temple at night

After gathering with friends at night, on the premise that I almost made my friend mad, I proposed to invite him as a guest, so I wrote off the overtime gathering (I'm sorry at the moment)

After two meals, I went to the Miaokou Night Market and bought the bubble ice recommended by my high school classmates. After staying in Keelung for half a year, I feel very nostalgic, except for the creamy crabs that treat tourists as plates in the night market.

When I was in high school, I transferred to Keelung, and then I ended up going back to my original school because of the problem of not getting used to it.

I didn't come often to downtown Keelung before, but I'm very familiar with downtown Keelung, which is dark and scary at night, because the art clubs in downtown Keelung also open in places like the second floor of a dark shopping mall. I often go to the art club to buy consumables, and it is normal to get used to this rough road in Keelung.

In the end, I played the long-lost game of catching goldfish before I left. As a result, I shot five of them in one breath, and then brought home a short-lived goldfish according to the rules of the game. Today, it went to heaven.

Because I thought that I might be able to keep the goldfish in the night market for a long time according to the method on the Internet, I ended up repeating my childhood experience.

Somehow sorry.

Afterwards, when I got home, my high school classmates asked me whether the store "General Big Bowl" was closed, and I told her irresponsibly: I didn't pay attention!

Of course my friends thought I was mentally retarded.

Finally, I want to say that the picture of the old M42 lens is beautiful, although it is a bit blurry.

Then there is Keelung, which is really suitable for a day trip in summer, provided that it is not overheated.


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