Dream Hualu / The Flowing Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival

It is also an ancient puppet drama. Some people shoot a little bit of flair, so that the audience does not want to miss any small details and small scenes. Some people clearly shoot a big production but have a lot less delicacy, which makes the audience's vision tired. This is the The difference~

The most popular and most discussed Lu drama recently, and the most recommended Lu drama is definitely this "Meng Hua Lu".

Some people say that this drama is like a moving picture of the Qingming River. I feel the same way, because as long as you open this drama, you will find how hard the behind-the-scenes team of this drama is. The movement of several protagonists, we also like to stroll around the streets of the ancient Song Dynasty, there are beautiful scenery everywhere.

The audience's eyes are sharp, even if they don't deliberately seek what is special about this show, the natural beauty of the scene when the light enters the eyes is like a light that will tightly attract people's attention.

I accidentally watched an interview with director Yang Yang today. I was really pleasantly surprised, and I came to a deeper understanding that a puppet drama that is recognized as the most beautiful must have a behind-the-scenes team who understands beauty best, whether it is the director, the screenwriter, or even the most beautiful. Art direction, etc., all have to have a higher level of sensitivity to meet the requirements.


This interview with the director of Menghualu is too long, but I will excerpt a passage from it:

Yang Yang: Aestheticism must be built on a reasonable basis. If it is unreasonable, it is hypocritical. So what are our foundations? Song Dynasty aesthetics, it provides us with this kind of elegance, simplicity and delicacy.
The screenwriter Zhang Wei also put a lot of effort into this play. Tea, fruit, drink, banquet, culture, politics, and economy of the Song Dynasty have all done very detailed historical research. For example, the "Four Yas" popular in the Song Dynasty, burning incense, ordering tea, arranging flowers, and hanging paintings are all very advanced ancient styles.
Many scenery, sparkling, sunrise and sunset, breeze blowing willows, all have the artistic conception of ancient poetry and paintings. With the movement of our machine, the movement of actors, and the scheduling of scenes, it has a strong sense of interaction and makes people feel very smooth.

From this short paragraph, we can see why we can see so many different things in this ancient puppet show.

I especially chose this photo of Gu Paner ordering tea. The figure is so beautiful, especially the scene of a tea fight. I like it very much. It was the first time I watched the drama and saw the heroine fighting tea, she was so beautiful as if she was dancing. , which is eye-catching.

It is also an ancient puppet drama. Some people shoot a little bit of flair, so that the audience does not want to miss any small details and small scenes. Some people clearly shoot a big production but lack a lot of delicacy, which makes the audience's vision tired. This is The difference~


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宋雨桐專職小說作者。出版過一百多本愛情小說,目前持續創作中。 你也可以每月支持我的創作>>https://liker.land/yeutorng/civic 加入我的專屬讚賞公民,讓創作有價。
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