To you who made the list today

Hong Kong DSE released the list today

Dse classmate:

Listed today,

Regardless of grades,

I just want to say to you:

"Thanks for your hard work"

Believe 3 years of high school,

Grow up, cry, laugh,

It will also be an unforgettable experience in your life.

We can't change tomorrow's grades.

than the grades,

What is more important is the courage and attitude you face,

Even if you are the champion today,

With a arrogant attitude, you will not succeed in the future;

Even if you have 0 points today,

Face it bravely, and your future is full of possibilities.

Life is still a long way to go,

Slowly walk your own way,

There is always a way for you.

Go slowly~

Wish you all the best

all the best!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

TreeHoleShadow喜歡在閒時寫寫文章,畫下圖畫。 希望我的文字和圖畫,能在某一刻牽掛你。 遇上懂欣賞的人,能夠給你一點點溫暖,便是我們的小確幸。
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