I unfollow a favorite culture writer! Very sad! Why did he touch this topic?

Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

I once admired a Mesozoic writer who devoted himself to the culture and publishing world for many years.

I also often appreciate the articles he publishes. He is quite talented and has ideas but is not radical. He often gives us some real meanings of life, beautiful things and some different views on the surroundings. His style is gentle, which may be similar to his The appearance is related, elegant and refined.

In a sudden situation, I unfollow his community.

why? Because I can't accept that he starts expressing " political leanings "!

He started bashing a political figure.
Of course, the way of commenting is also polite, but criticism is criticism, just criticize in a literary way, gentle criticism! But this makes me chill.

 Because I am very supportive of this political figure, of course I cannot accept his criticism.

Having said that, you would object that " he doesn't have the same political aspirations as mine ", but no.

I respect everyone's preferences and everyone's political stance. As long as they analyze and comment on politics correctly, without personal attacks or extremes, I will not oppose anyone publishing relevant articles and ideas.

In fact, many of my good friends have different political stances from mine, but we won't deliberately talk about it. Friends respect each other, so why bother to talk about a tit-for-tat topic?

My idea is very simple, I don't think cultural people need to touch such a sensitive political topic , no matter who I support or who I don't support! When you talk about politics, you offend at least half of the people. It's like saying that Christianity is not good when you want to promote Buddhism deliberately (for example, and vice versa), and saying that apples are delicious and oranges are bad. There is no need at all.

So many people in Taiwan are politically zealous, and whoever you call " good " will probably offend others! Not to mention who is " not good "! That will definitely cause a backlash, really not necessary.

If "politics" is also a cultural phenomenon, I agree!
It is also the responsibility of writers, social observers, and cultural people to express unique ideas and unwillingness, but I still think it is more appropriate not to touch politics.

When you express different ideas about anything, only a few people will take a stand against it. But " politics ", at least half of Taiwan's society has opposing positions. It is really unnecessary to touch this topic unless you are a political commentator .

Bento shop owner during election

During the election, I met a bento shop owner , and because we often order lunch boxes from him, I added his line. Later I found out that he was canvassing for a presidential candidate in the line, expressing his political stance, which surprised me.

However, it happened that his political stance was the same as mine, so I suggested to him as if concerned: "The person who opened your store wrote this (saying about canvassing for candidates), won't you worry about affecting the business?" He replied to me. I won't go on with the opinion of righteousness and sternness, for the country or something... In fact, the supporters of the other camp also say that it is for the country!

So, for the " bento shop customer ", that's not my concern! Your bento is labeled as a political party, as if the customer of the supporters of the other camp was pushed away for no reason. Even if I wanted to buy your bento, I would not be able to do so! Even if I like the taste, I won't buy it. Isn't this a problem with the money you make?

I think the same is true for this writer, is it worth it to comment on a political figure?

I think he probably thinks that "people who like him can also tolerate what he says"?

Indeed, we don't like a person because of a one-time total denial. It's like baseball's batting average or fielding rate, a player's performance for a whole season, not because of a one-time mistake. is the whole.

Therefore, our performance and words and deeds are always trying to accumulate positive energy. If there is a momentary mistake, the deduction will not be too much.

But what exactly is the writer's score and deduction? It exists in the hearts of many of his fans, "Those who like him can also tolerate what he says" is established, but " How much do you like him? " or "How much can you tolerate him? " It varies from person to person.

 And me? Because I have quite a favorable impression of this political figure, and the favorable impression of this writer is counteracted, and it becomes a negative number in an instant. Of course, I will OUT him.
We usually accumulate points slowly when we do something, but when you want to do a big thing, you can be cautious or take risks, but you must accept the consequences that come with it.

I think the writer may not feel like he's taking tightrope walks on internet popularity when he's commenting on politicians, but I don't think it's worth it.

Do you think "professionals" should be detached and independent and should not be political?

  • Text 2021.2.25

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