The unfortunate incident at a friend's house reveals the cruel fate of parents' partiality

The unfortunate incident at a friend's house seems to be another tragedy caused by the pressure of long-term care, but the relatives who are familiar with their family are well aware that the pressure of long-term care is only the last straw that breaks the camel's back. The source is traced back to their deceased parents...

Two months ago, a misfortune happened at the house of a long-known friend of mine. One night, his father received a message from his second brother, with only five words: " I'm really tired ."

When his father saw that something was wrong, he called his second brother, but he didn't answer the phone, so he immediately informed the older brother, and the two rushed back to the second brother's house in the south from Taipei overnight. However, as soon as I got home, several police cars and ambulances were parked at the door, and the police and firemen were going in and out of the second child's house. The regret happened earlier...

The 72-year-old second child attempted suicide after strangling the 65-year-old fourth child who lived with him.

This incident was published in the social section of the newspaper. The report pointed out that the fourth child was hemiplegia due to a stroke, and needed the second child to take care of him. After a long time, the second child could not bear the pressure of long-term care, and his mood collapsed for a while, making a big mistake.

According to media inferences, this is another tragedy caused by long-term care pressure, but the relatives who are familiar with them are well aware that the long-term care pressure is only the last straw that breaks the camel’s back, and the source of grievances and cannibalism between siblings To go back to their deceased parents--

In other words, this couple was born in the fourth child, so they took care of him and obeyed every aspect of the family. The three brothers took care of everything at home. In order to take care of the family, the three of them went north to find a job in their teens, and the friend's father (the third child) even took a teacher to learn woodworking just after graduating from elementary school. As for the fourth child, he is not good at reading books, has no special skills, and is idle all day; even if he has a job, it may be a relationship with a arrogant personality and a bad temper, and he always does it for a short time. Parents also let him eat and drink at home for free, and gave him pocket money to spend.

Not long after, the fourth child got married and had a pair of children. His older brothers originally thought that after his younger brother got married, he would settle down to work hard in his career, but he didn't expect that his rogue character would still be the same. The wife may not be able to stand such an incompetent man, so she divorced him early, and he was responsible for raising her son. But he is a person who can't even take care of himself, how could he be able to take care of children?

At this time, the two old men passed away one after another, and no one in his hometown in the south helped him take care of the child. Who would take care of him? He didn't even think about it, he directly left the child to his three older brothers in the north to take care of them, and took most of his parents' inheritance to do business in mainland China.

When my friend was in the senior year of elementary school, his fourth uncle's son came to stay with them for a while. That kid dropped out of high school and was just as idle as his father. He either slept at their house and watched TV all day, or went out to find friends to play until midnight and then came home in the middle of the night. At that time, my friends often complained to me that his cousin was rude and used his things at will without his consent, and his upside-down work schedule even more seriously affected the family's sleep. Both he and his mother hated the fourth uncle's Child. Helpless, it was Dad's turn to take in his cousin, and they couldn't say anything.

Thinking about it now, that child is actually quite pitiful. His parents divorced since he was a child, his father didn't want to raise him at all, and his uncle and uncle were powerless. It's a miracle that he didn't go too far without being disciplined.

Decades later, the fourth failed to do business, spent all the inheritance left by his parents, and returned to Taiwan with all his illnesses. At this time, his son had been out of contact for a long time, and even if he could get in touch, he probably wouldn't want to pay attention to this irresponsible father.

It's a pity that even though the fourth child is getting old, his bad temper never changes. He lived in a nursing home for a period of time. Because of frequent disputes with other patients or caregivers, the hospital finally refused to take him in, so he had to move back to his hometown by himself.

So, who does the responsibility to take care of him fall on? The eldest and the third have seen their parents spoil the youngest since they were young, and they have accumulated a lot of grievances. Only the second child still has a little brotherhood with this younger brother. It just so happened that he had already retired, so he moved back to his hometown from the north for his younger brother to take care of him. But this younger brother was accustomed to being arrogant since he was a child. He probably thought it was a matter of course for the whole family to sacrifice for him. Not only was he not grateful for his second brother's free sacrifices, but he also always reached out to his second brother to ask for money. Talk to each other and even beat him.

The most serious one, after the brothers had a big fight, the second child went to bed, and the fourth took advantage of the second child's unpreparedness and attacked him with a heavy object, hitting him all over. In a fit of rage, the second child sued the court. The court date was already set, but unexpectedly—the night before the court session, the two quarreled again. The second child strangled the fourth child to death and attempted suicide...

At first glance, it is a tragedy of Changzhao, but after the explanation of a friend, I realized that the parents' excessive partiality and doting on the youngest have long created a rogue character for him, but also buried the root of the future cannibalism - this couple It is absolutely unthinkable that the preference for the fourth child has led to a scuffle between two old men of a certain age, and a massacre of human relations has occurred.

Although this is a relatively extreme case, I think about my own relatives, there are also several elders who are the youngest sons in the family. They were kept by their parents since childhood and could not bear to let them go out to work hard. No worries about food and clothing, but nothing.

" Eccentricity " is an essay topic for the recent make-up exam for the junior high school. In the process of collecting materials, I happened to hear about this regret, and specially recorded it to remind parents in the world to pay attention.


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