Japanese Independent Study - Matters Sub-station

Learning alone is not as good as learning by all

Hello everyone! First めまして!

This is a Matters sub-station of a Japanese learning website. If the website is mainly for browsing, then I hope to build an interactive platform in Matters.

Before I paid attention to the Facebook groups, most of them focused on the theme of grammar or Japanese verification, which is a bit different from the positioning of the website.

Because in addition to some Japanese teaching, I will also share the experience of language learning, teaching, modern Japanese culture or current events, etc., and it is scheduled to be shared here in an excerpted form as a version of "Matters Station".


The website has not been established for a long time, and the update is very slow but very serious. I hope to bring you more content in the future.

Please advise! ( ゚ω゚)ノ


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

日語独学🇲🇴マカオ人日本語先生🧑🏻‍🏫 🇯🇵日本文化✳︎語言✳︎日文冷知識 IG: @silver_nihongo FB: facebook.com/silver.nihongo
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【日語独学】不單是~ている的「~ている」 <基本篇>