Talk about a love that never breaks up, that's the right thing to do


Watching on TV, men and women have gone through a lot of ups and downs and finally come together, and I can see how sweet the love of others is.

But my own love feels very difficult to continue. I thought that Tiantian, who was divorced, was in love with me, but I found that it was not the case.

When I talk about it, I doubt life, who is talking about it being sweet, and a JIO just goes over there, constantly arguing, making people angry, and always being unsympathetic.

Today I will share with you

1. Know how to appreciate each other

We should always tell our lover what we like most about him (her), what we adore him (her), what makes us proud of him (her), and what advantages we think he (she) has.

Let the other person know that we appreciate him or her not just in the early days of a relationship, but throughout our entire life. We need to constantly encourage and support each other. Only in this way can we help him (her) reach his or her potential.

2. Open your heart

Don't close yourself, hide your likes and dislikes, ideals, fears, achievements, mistakes, etc. We can share important things with our lovers.

Also, we should make sure that the lovers are the ones who share our secrets and do more than anyone else. Although it is necessary to reserve a certain amount of personal space in front of the closest people, it is still necessary to take as much time as possible to have a heart-to-heart with your lover.

3. Give gifts

We should seize every opportunity to show our love by giving gifts to lovers. The gift can be a book that suits your heart bought at the bookstore, a special dessert, a piece of jewelry, a piece of clothing—no matter how big or small, as long as you can tell the other person that you miss him or her.

We can also leave Zhang Ai's notes, and the studio sends out "I love you" text messages. These can reflect that we have been thinking about each other, and the other party will have more confidence and security in himself.

4. Be sure to make time for the two of you to be alone

No matter how busy the two of you are, make sure to spend one evening in a week or two together. Two people can create new memories, share each other's stories, or just be together and enjoy each other's company.

5. Forgive your lover's shortcomings and deficiencies

Our unreasonable expectations of each other are likely to lead to a failed relationship. It's not like marrying a robot. There will always be conflicts. People always have weaknesses and shortcomings. We must learn to accept and understand each other's character, and be more tolerant and understanding of each other.

6. Show love from time to time

Small intimate gestures, slap each other on the back when passing by in the aisle, sit on the sofa and put your arms around your lover's shoulder, put your hand on each other's lap when sitting next to each other, and hold hands when shopping, which will make your other partner. Half feel the deep affection, pass your true love. Small touches matter, much more than a night of cloud and rain.

The depth of love determines the degree of nostalgia for the relationship between two people. The way to deal with conflicts is the indicator to evaluate whether two people can go on for a long time. After all, two people have been together for so long, and they will encounter large and small conflicts. If they don't handle conflict, a breakup is inevitable.


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