pretending to be artifact

Excel functions to get the current price of Crypto or stock

I don't know if you have the need to pretend to be a worker. If you do, I hope that this Excel gadget will be useful.

Friends who invest in stocks or Crypto usually care about their assets. To check asset prices, of course, you can check apps on the web. Professionally, there may be an investment manager or a financial app to do it for you. For those with little capital and old pie, like me, at most I can only use Excel or Google Spreadsheet, manual update to frighten the current price, multiply the number of coins or shares, and finally add the total.

The current price from web or apps manual update is definitely annoying, although the new version of Excel or Google Spreadsheet is called a tool to update the stock price, whether it is suitable or not will be handed over to everyone for research. artifact.

Actually, first of all, I would like to thank Makzan , who inspired me to dress up as an artifact. As a new immigrant in the new Matters city, I joined in October this year. One word is... lazy! Lazier than sloths! I wrote two matters articles earlier, Makzan tracked my little brother, and I followed it up. See Makzan 's article " Introduction to Python and JSON API Applications: Using Python to Get the Current LikeCoin Price ", teaching how to use Python to get coins from CoinGecko The price is true!

Python is not as good as my novice, but I can still see it clearly, so I will take a concept, convert it to make Excel Macro, and finally make it as an artifact, as a gift for my own use.

The nonsense ends here, start with download to play the artifact, unzip it and open the "artifact.xlsm", click Enable Content.

There are two worksheets in the artifact of pretending to work, we will use MyPortfolio to explain first, and then we will talk about Coinlist.

First, enter several Crypto IDs you care about in A2 to A4, such as bitcoin, ethereum & likecoin, then enter formula "=CoinGeckoPrice(A2)" in B2, enter and wait for the current price of BTC in CoinGecko to appear.

Enter the number of BTC you have in C2, and then multiply it in D2 to complete a line.

After that, if you want to check the price of BAT, you can go to the second worksheet "CoinList", enter the BAT filter in the B column, go to the BAT ID in basic-attention-token, and copy the ID to MyPortfolio A5.

Follow the copy B2 to D2, paste to B3 to D5, modify the quantity, basically completed.

In addition to formula CoinGeckoPrice() to take care of Crypto users, formula BloombergPrice() is added to the magic tool. The usage is very similar to CoinGeckoPrice(), just enter the ID of the stock or index.

The following examples include Dow Jones, Tesla, Netflix, HSI & HKEx. Note that 388 is calculated in Hong Kong paper, not USDT.

Excel is more flexible, if you change it a little, there is no problem at all in HKD pricing.

Finally, please note that CoinGeckoPrice is good, BloombergPrice is good, and there is a fair use policy behind it. Although the artifact has a Refresh button, you can't update too many current prices at one time, and if you do too much, accidents will occur. I hope this time I can help you to dress up, feel free to share!


Getting Started with Python and JSON API Applications: Get Current LikeCoin Price Using Python

Pulling Stock Prices into Excel by Formula (VBA code provided)

json parser



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TheMattersLikeCoin共和國馬特市新移民,Nano IT dog,略懂Excel Macro & Powershell。不諳寫作,日後會嘗試DIY IT小工具以供分享
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