::Planting record:: Decided to grow vegetables to eat by myself

Growing vegetables, like cooking, is also an hobby I can't imagine one day I'll choose

This interest came suddenly. One day when I was shopping for ingredients, I suddenly had an idea. I wanted to say that I don’t know how difficult it is to grow vegetables. Simple hydroponics to successfully plant(?) vegetables, so I have itching hands again

Jianguo Flower Market is a holiday-limited market. You can easily see his business hours on Google, but there are still several days before the holiday, so I took out everything that seemed to be plantable and sprouted in the refrigerator. Look, mung beans, onions, and green onions must be cut to germinate, and peppers and garlic are also soaked in water, making the kitchen very much like a laboratory. There are small bottle caps everywhere.

The first one that came out was mung bean. At that time, it was still the same as the process found on the Internet. It was shelled, germinated, and pressed on the top to avoid light. However, it was said on the Internet that it can be eaten in 3-5 days. It doesn't seem to be the same for me. Five days have passed, and I haven't seen any growth in the bean sprouts. The growth seems to be a little slow. It doesn't matter, I will wait a few more days.

After that, I finally came to the Holiday Jianguo Flower Market. Before I went there, I didn't have much expectations for it. I thought it was a lot of unrecognizable leaves, flowers and trees. I wanted to say that quickly buying soil and potted plants should make people shine. It turns out that the flower market is not as monotonous as the flower farms that I visited before. It turned out to be a plant market full of many businesses, from flowers, grasses, succulents, to trees, planting supplies, hydroponic plants, pet fish, everything is dazzling. There is a feeling of urban customs entering the Grand View Garden

At the beginning, I was very interested in every business. Every potted plant suddenly felt very cute. I was so dazzled that I completely forgot the original purpose. I just didn’t actually report a tree to go home to plant, and I completely forgot about it. Now there is nowhere to grow it, so I might have to keep it in the park and see him again. Fortunately, when I almost lost my mind, A Chou said that you wake up and bring everyone home. You should kill a lot of lives, too Qiao I'm sorry (hum)

Until I saw a green vegetable seedling shop, I originally wanted to buy Qingjiang vegetables and the mainland girl, but the boss said that after pulling it out, it would be gone, but the chrysanthemum and green onion, this can be cut and grown again, the CP value is very high, and don’t look at it He is thin now, and he will grow to the point where you can't finish it. He will grow a lot, God! Hearing this word was like an aunt's upper body, so I took them home immediately. When I checked out, I asked the boss about potted plants and soil. The boss seemed to eat honest toast, saying that their soil is not cheap, and a pack of five kilograms is 80 yuan. It is recommended to go. Buy "Sanshen Soil" on the open side in the middle, which is very suitable for growing vegetables

At that time, I was still thinking about the "three gods", how many gods are there? 80 yuan for five kilograms is still expensive? How much does that dish cost? As a result, after seeing the soil deity, I understood that the boss recommended "three provinces soil" and only 100 yuan for 10 kilograms! ! ! ! ! ! Sure enough, the price difference is too much.

Later, I happily hugged 10 kilograms of soil from the three provinces and two 60-centimeter potted plants, as well as seedlings and some unknown succulents (slightly lost my heart), and went home happily and contentedly, ready to plant and grow~~

Attached is the photo of the first day of planting. I will share it later if there are results or failures. On the first night of planting, I kept opening the window every half an hour to care for them. Ah Chou looked at it and kept laughing, saying that the plants are under certain pressure now. big, tell me not to disturb their growth, give them some space

I just want you to grow up quickly~~ I really want to eat you (mistakenly) I am drooling~~ (plants trembling)
Ah Chou said that you are a happy farm now, I don't know if it will become a sad farm in the future

Oversized bag of three provinces soil
Left) chrysanthemum seedlings, right) four seasons green onions originally wanted to buy seeds and grow them by themselves, but then I bought the seedlings, at least I saw their leaves
Accidentally bought succulents, hope they live well
It looks like the chrysanthemum has been settled
The four seasons green onion is in the soil. I don't know if there is any successful garlic head.
Cat grass is also grown
I don't know what kind of succulent it is. I haven't found the variety yet. It's just that he looks amazing and brought it home.
I would buy Succulent because I saw him for the first time, but it was always crooked after the transplant.
I don't know the name, I just want them to grow up safely

The above is the current situation of the plants. I will share my experience later~~ (I hope to share that they have grown up)


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歪皮/紗卡納認真的好好體驗,這個只有一趟的人生,並且用一些文字,記錄一些小事 -
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