Fake loans, real scams surge, experts name 3 new types of financial camouflage scams


The first type, "send phishing messages by impersonating a bank or financial institution", tricking the public to click on the short link immediately. Once the website is fooled, it may be implanted with a Trojan horse program, or the criminals will use the simulated online banking page to record the victim's bank. account number and password, and transfer the victim's deposit to the head account.

The second type, "the fraudulent group has the technology to tamper with the caller ID number", may use the representative number of the bank or the phone number of the authoritative organization to ask the public to operate the account or collect sensitive information, and trick the victim into being fooled step by step. Be alert for incoming calls that begin with 002, 009, or telephone numbers beginning with +.

The third type, "disguised as a bank clerk to call to provide a preferential loan plan", leave a fake bank contact number as a bait, wait for the public to call back after the call is hooked, and inform that the preferential quota is full. defrauding people of money.


News source-juheng.com

Recently, I have received a lot of scams: Chunghwa Telecom and the National Health Insurance Bureau 1, they all ask me to pay the bill!!! Or I really forgot to pay, hahaha, it should not, you really have to be careful, if not Make sure you can call 165


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