The only one who loves deeply is losing——Thai drama "Golden Fen Family"


Lap said, "I want Seua to know that my love for him is unreserved and unrequited." Is Lap's love really crazy? In fact, Lap's love for Seua has always been very rational. Seven years, secret love, how many people can do it? At least, until Lap said that, his love for Seua was truly unrequited. He has been secretly in love with a "straight" man, and although he occasionally flirts with him, it's just a modest joke. Khao's sense of crisis was actually ridiculous to him, because he knew that his love for Seua could only remain in his heart, until he saw Seua's eyes on Chanson, and he finally saw a light on the dark road ahead. So when Seua was reprimanded by Chanson's father and came to Lap to verify his confusion, Lap kissed him without hesitation. The kiss poured into his seven years of love was both sweet and bitter.

Some people say that Lap tried his best to get Seua, but if Seua could love Lap a little deeper, Lap wouldn't need so many tactics. In fact, Lap often used his means to tell Seua his true thoughts. Before going to the beach, he said to Seua: "Have you seen my value to you? I have been chasing behind you, whether you need it or not. I've always been by your side when you still don't need me, why have you ever cared? You know how I feel about you, but if you don't have feelings for me, then don't provoke me, I can already let you go , but if you let me know that you also have feelings for me, then I won't let you go easily." I don't deny that there is a lot of hard work, but what he said is the truth, and he has been silently chasing after him. Behind Seua, there was no hope at first, but Seua took the initiative to pull up, and even ran away. After seven years of secret love, how could the sudden surge of hope be let go?

Lap's sanity can be seen from his relationship with Seua, when Seua was reluctant to give up Khao, but at the same time wanted to be with Lap, Lap said to him, "You can still have me and me in your heart now. Khao's place, but what about when you have kids? Will you still leave me a place?" If he wasn't sane, he couldn't be conscious of it.

But although Lap is sensible, it doesn't mean that he can't make mistakes. His biggest mistake is that he seriously overestimates Seua's love for him. In his opinion, all Seua's hesitation towards him was because Seua was forced by her mother's control and did not dare to face the fact of her sexuality. He hadn't thought that Seua might be someone who dared to confront his mother in the face of true love. In fact, among all the reasons for Seua's hesitation, not being afraid to face him is only a small part, but the main reason is that Seua doesn't love him as much as Lap imagined. And Lap is so determined to fight for Seua because he firmly believes that Seua also loves him. After all, the person he loves has told him "I love you" many times, and he even begged him not to leave.

Because of the tiger mother's complaint, Lap came out passively to his parents and was beaten severely by his father. At his most vulnerable, Seua's elopement proposal lit a light on this dark road, but, with the news of Khao's pregnancy brought by Tiger Mom, and Seua got the news Disappeared from his life, the light went out, the only hope was shattered, and the hatred in Lap's heart began to grow.

In the hospital, Lap said to Seua, "Because of having a baby, you disappeared from my life immediately, even if you just told me to pack my bags and fly away with you." And Seua just hurried to check Khao's The situation, there was not even an apology... At this time, Lap realized that Seua's love for him was not as strong as he thought, all the "I love you" Seua had said to him, "I can't live without you "It's all just Seua's greedy desire to have the "best of both worlds" rhetoric. Under this series of blows, Lap finally embarked on the road of no return.

As I said, Lap is sane, and even in his craziest times, even if he hates Khao, he still clings to that sane. Despite all the threatening words he said to Khao in the hospital, he had no intention of hurting Khao and causing her to miscarry because he knew how important the baby in Khao's womb was to Seua.

In the road chase scene, he knew that if he drove the car himself, he would kill Khao on impulse, so he let Pete drive, because he knew that Pete would stop at the most critical moment.

Ruthless and ruthless, hehe, if Lap was really ruthless, even before Seua found his orientation, Khao would have disappeared. Someone in the short comment said, "Lap is so pitiful. He is clearly a king, but he is besieged by a pile of bronzes." Yes, with Lap's behavior, this group of people is really not enough for him, but because of his deep love for Seua and his heart With that sliver of rationality, he couldn't do anything that could really hurt Seua. Even in the end, Lap held the gun in his hand and hated him so much that he never thought of pointing the gun at Seua. After all, he had loved someone so deeply for so long. Even if he left himself bruised and bruised, Lap was still reluctant to hurt him... …

As mentioned earlier, Mu has made a lot of efforts to make Seua recognize himself, and he has also asked others for help, but he forgot the most important one, Lap, yes, if Mu is making it clear that Tiger Mom already knows about Seua and Lap In a super-friendly relationship, Mu can have a good talk with Lap, guide Lap to extinguish the fire of extremes, and appropriately expand the sense of reason that Lap has always adhered to, at least, Lap will not lose his life.

After loving that person for seven years, I finally saw hope, but was ruined again and again by the person I love. Seua can think about all the people he loves, but not the one he also said "love". . Even if Lap once humbled and begged Seua: "I can be the person who doesn't exist in your life, but I just ask you to continue to love me and keep me with you."

Lap's death wasn't Seua's fault alone, his father's hatred and disappointment, Tiger Mother's all kinds of obstructions, and even Mu's failure to grasp the key points were all the reminders of Lap's death. Seua returned home from the police station. Looking at the dried blood on her hands, she fell to the ground in pain and cried, "I don't have anyone left..." Is there really no more left? Khao is still there, Mu will come back, and his mother will forgive him sooner or later, and he will have a lovely child in the future... Where's Lap? He is the one who has no one left. The person he loves doesn't love him. If he doesn't go home to get married and have children, his father will cut off his relationship with him. Even if he has Pete as a friend, what can he do? As he himself once said: "People like me really don't deserve to be loved..."

In the ending, Seua was forgiven by her mother, Mu also reconciled with her mother, Tiger Mom even confessed her mistakes in front of her ex-husband's portrait, and to Lap, although Tiger Mom said that she was sorry for Lap, she also said that if Lap's relatives can accept him, and Lap won't go to a dead end. so what? In the end, no one who experienced this tragedy sincerely felt sorry for Lap, even Seua.

Was Lap's death worthwhile? For others, yes, Lap's death made Seua finally face the fact that she was gay; Lap's death gave Khao a big sigh of relief, she no longer had to live in Lap's shadow; The death of Mu took the initiative to help Seua to take the blame and made a wave of goodwill in front of everyone; Lap's death made Seua muster the courage to fight against his mother, which caused the tiger mother to be paralyzed, and it was precisely because of this that the tiger mother finally realized that she was Misunderstanding of the eldest son, and the mother-son relationship improves. All the people directly involved in the incident ate human blood steamed buns. And Lap is really like what he said, his love for Seua is unreserved and unrequited in return, even if he sacrifices his life...


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