【Hong Kong Credit Card Rent Payment Guide】Compared with Credit Card Rent Payment Platforms Keychainpay rentsmart CardUp

The money has to be paid every month. Have you ever thought about the best deal and the best deal?

If you are a family of renting houses, you have to pay the money every month. Have you ever thought about the best price and the best price to pay first?

Last update: January 11, 2022

Today, I will introduce to you 3 platforms that support credit card rental payment , allowing you to save hundreds of mosquitoes per month, thousands of mosquitoes a year, and even earn round-trip air tickets to Japan in one year.

What are the benefits of paying with a credit card?

  1. Earn Credit Card Rebate Cash Rebate/Miles Rebate/Credit Card Welcome Bonus
  2. Increase cash flow on hand (generally 56-day interest-free period)
  3. On-time settlement increases credit history score

If you just pay by bank transfer, there are no instalments and any consumption discounts, instant deduction!

3 recommended credit card rental platforms


Cardgirlhk recommends using credit cards:

  • HSBC Red Card
  • HSBC Visa Signature advanced gameplay is mentioned in the YouTube video

The card rebates:

  • HSBC Red Card First HKD 25,000 HSBC Red Card – 4% rebate on online spending

Keychainpay handling fee:

  • HSBC and Mastercard Network 2.1%

Support network :

  • Visa, Mastercard and Unionpay

Set time:

  • Set up 2 weeks before the due date

Types that can be delivered:

  • Public housing, private buildings, industrial and commercial buildings, car parks

Extra features:

  • Dividable credit card ratio: earn different credit card rebates, but please note that the handling fee will be recalculated

Set up the platform:

  • Mobile APP
  • PRH Online Version
  • Examples of self-made rent reduction schemes:

KeyChain Pay Referral Reward

From now until December 31, 2022 , whether you are recommended to register and apply for KeyChain Pay, or recommend a friend to apply for KeyChain Pay, there will be additional rewards!


  • Successfully set up a brand new smart contract for 6 months or more: $50

Recommended by:

  • Referral successfully registered: $20
  • Referred friends and relatives successfully set up a new smart contract for 6 months or more: $100

Link for application recommended by Cardgirlhk: https://bit.ly/keychainpay

(needs to be turned on with a mobile phone)

(Remember to be referred to apply for up to $50 rebate, which can be used to offset transaction fees)


Cardgirlhk recommends using credit cards :

  • Essence PrimeCredit Earnmore UnionPay Card

The card rebates:

  • 2% on any transaction (limited to HKD 2,000)

RentSmart handling fee:

  • UnionPay = HKD 25/order
  • Visa credit card service fee is 2.8%
  • MasterCard credit card service fee is 2.2%

Support network:

  • Visa, Mastercard and Unionpay

Set time:

  • It needs to be set 2 to 5 working days before the payment date

Types that can be delivered:

  • private building

Extra features:

  • You can set a one-year rent payment in advance than the owner (rent the building at a more favorable price)

Instalment with the bank: 3, 6 and 12 months service fee is 7.2%, while 18 and 24 month service fee is 8.3%

If the one-time payment of the rent plus the interest is still equal to the original rent, then it counts!

Set up the platform:

  • Mobile APP
  • Examples of self-made rent reduction schemes:


Cardgirlhk recommends using credit cards :

  • Essence PrimeCredit Earnmore UnionPay Card
  • BEA i-Titanium Card

The card rebates:

  • Essence Earnmore: 2% on any transaction (capped at HKD 2,000)
  • BEA i-Titanium: 3.4% cash rebate on online purchases (limited to HKD 200)

CardUp handling fee:

  • 1.79% for all cards (until March 31, 2022)

Support network:

  • Visa, Mastercard and Unionpay issued locally and internationally

Set time:

  • It needs to be set 3 working days before the payment date

Types that can be delivered:

  • private building

Extra features:

  • Insurance, tuition, miscellaneous fees, employment salaries, parking fees, etc. can be paid

Set up the platform:

  • online version
  • Mobile online version

Homemade rent reduction plan:

common problem

Do you have to prepare for the rental platform with a credit card?

– centimeter

– lease

– Owner’s bank account number, name and first name

– Owner contact information

What should I pay attention to when paying rent with a credit card?
The mode of operation of the rent payment platform is that you use a credit card to pay rent to the platform, and the platform will help you pay rent to the landlord.

Therefore, the owner will receive the rental amount and display the name of the above company, such as KeychainPay, and then add your name to the payment reference. If you want to avoid disputes, it is best to speak to the owner first.

Do you want to notify the owner?

If you don’t need it on the official website, you only need to enter the same name as the owner’s bank account. Some platforms require the owner’s contact information.

However, due to the above precautions, Cardgirlhk will suggest that everyone should speak with the owner to avoid disputes.

What discounts are available now?
From now until December 31, 2022, whether you are recommended to register and apply for KeyChain Pay, or recommend a friend to apply for KeyChain Pay, there will be additional rewards!


– Successfully set up a brand new smart contract for 6 months or more: $50

Recommended by:

– Referral successfully registered: $20

– Referred friends and relatives successfully set up new smart contracts for 6 months or more: $100

Links for application recommended by Cardgirlhk:


(needs to be turned on with a mobile phone)

(Remember to be referred to apply for up to $50 rebate, which can be used to offset transaction fees)

Recommended by Cardgirlhk


As for Cardgirlhk's recommendation for you to use a platform, it depends on what credit card you have.

price angle

If you have HSBC Red card and Visa Signature card, it must be KeychainPay, Visa Signature card advanced gameplay is mentioned in the YouTube video.

If there is no HSBC card, it depends on whether there is an Anxin Earnmore card, and if so, RentSmart.

If not, CardUp will be cheaper.

payment time perspective

CardUp (3 working days) > RentSmart<meta charset="utf-8"> (5 working days) > KeychainPay (14 working days)

Support category angle

CardUp > KeychainPay > RentSmart

In addition to private buildings, CardUp also supports more payment types, such as tuition fees, CLP electricity bills, and parking lots.

And Keychainpay supports public housing, private buildings, industrial and commercial buildings and car parks.

RentSmart only supports private properties.

Original link cardgirhk


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