From binary to spectrum, from spectrum to four images, talk about how to expand and understand traditional binary encounters such as multiple gender sexual orientations (1)


From binary to spectrum, from spectrum to four images, talk about how to expand and understand traditional binary encounters such as multiple gender sexual orientations (1)

This time, diversity will be interpreted from the perspective of asexuality.

Through the dualistic thinking of right and wrong, right and wrong, we can quickly identify the enemy and ourselves, and it is also convenient to deal with things without knowing it. However, the concept of spectrum has appeared in recent years. Explain the duality of things.

Figure: Binary black and white and continuous grayscale

In fact, the spectrum drawn by the color bar also shows duality. There is a color in each of the two segments. It can also be black and white, but the difference is that we do not cut them, but draw gradients continuously. This is multivariate, which spans across There are many colors we recognize, there are pink, bright red, purple, dark blue, and blue.

Figure: Bichromatic Spectrum

But we occasionally encounter more magical combinations in our lives, like both, or neither. In fact, I think a spectrum is still a rough castrated version, and a spectrum can only help you understand the existence of two characteristics, or a less extreme existence. Is there a situation where there is neither?

Figure: Mendelian genetics, using the grid method

In terms of voter positions in bipartisan politics, we have leftists, rightists, middle voters, and neutral voters. They correspond to one end, the other end, neither completely left nor right, and do not choose either side, although neutral voters are often regarded as There is no sarcasm, but it is entirely conceptually understandable if such a group exists.

Pictured: Neutral voters

In terms of sexuality, sexuality is only about the preference for choosing a mate. What kind of personality and charm can attract you? And of course there are also beings that are neither, just like the author, there are beings that are neither, and there are beings that are neither. Everyone is naturally attracted to the attractive carcasses of the opposite sex, but it is also like people who like fur children. Cat pie likes cats and dog pie likes dogs. If you bring a dog to a cat slave, he will probably just watch it. Look, I can't feel anything good about this dog.

Pictured: Cat Pie

Asexuality is the existence of both polarities in terms of sexuality. We may be able to meet the needs of the other half, or show a beautiful picture of social expectations. It is interesting that for the heterosexual public, homosexuality is a group of sexual preferences and their The opposite, but for bisexuals, homosexuality is just a preference for a certain gender.

Figure: Types of Numbers

But whether it is homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual, for asexuals, they are all sexual, and they will be strongly attracted by sexual desire and emotion, and finding the other half in their hearts is even important enough to be a lifelong goal.

Figure: Two dots are dizzy on the plane

Finally, I roughly drew a picture with two dots haloed. We can see that the linear spectrum is only a small strip in the middle. It is undeniable that there are two poles (red and blue) in our world, but We also have both (purple) and none (white) which is unaffected.

Thank you very much for reading to the end, this idea is not yet used in the mainstream, but I think it is very practical, we all know that the computer is currently running at 010101, but when you turn on the screen, the world that all this can show is also colorful. ❤

Figure: Social software


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玥餅SherryYue未術TS/半性戀,還在努力著 #社會運動參與者 #方便素 #聲音控 #逆向工程玩家 Same, same, but different.
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