One of the most unforgettable childhood events. bitten by mice

I was bitten by a mouse, I dare not say

If you want to talk about one of the most unforgettable things in childhood is being bitten by a mouse.

I remember that when I was a child, I used to keep a mouse dragon at home, because I lived in the countryside and there were many fields nearby, so there were a lot of wild mice.

The rat cage came into play at this time. I have the impression that I was bitten twice, once was fine, and once was bloody.

At that time, a mouse was caught in the rat-filling cage, and I was very curious, and curiously put my hand into the rat-filling cage to touch the mouse. At that time, I probably wanted to know how the mouse felt.

I touched it, and the mouse bit my hand. For the first time, I only felt pain and no wound.

A few days later, I was bitten by a mouse and I still didn't get a lesson. My hand was still very itchy. I reached in and touched the mouse, but of course I was bitten again.

Listening to my mother, I didn't cry at that time, I just held my hand. My mother saw me being weird and asked me, what's wrong with me. It's a concept that you can't even talk about being bitten by a mouse.

By the way, I am a strange person. Some people are afraid of dogs when they are bitten by dogs. I am not afraid of dogs, but I am not afraid of mice, and I think they are very cute when I see mice.

Could it be that I was a mouse in my last life?


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