CoinEx | Crossing bulls and bears from 0 to 4, why CoinEx can attract the attention of the market


2021 is an extremely important year in the history of cryptocurrencies, and the success of cryptocurrencies in this year has attracted the attention of traditional investment circles. From PayPal’s support for Bitcoin to Christie’s Sotheby’s auctioning NFTs, to the popularity of Metaverse assets and GameFi, digital assets have gradually attracted the attention of all walks of life, and the continuation of the bull market has also allowed many investors who are deeply involved in the crypto industry to get lucrative returns.

For investors, the encryption industry is not so easy. Regulations and various uncertainties in various countries are always affecting this immature market. Therefore, not all investors have such good luck to enjoy the benefits of encrypted assets. Time dividends to come. Hackers’ attacks on DeFi contracts, exchange funds theft, and air project scams can all cause investors to lose their money.

As an encrypted exchange established in 2017, CoinEx has been able to stand firm and won a good reputation. In the four years since its establishment, it has submitted a satisfactory answer sheet for users who believe in it, which has also attracted many investors who have just entered the encryption industry. people's attention.

The road from mining pools to exchanges

Speaking of CoinEx, we have to mention ViaBTC Group and ViaBTC mining pool. ViaBTC Group was founded by Yang Haipo, a post-90s entrepreneur. Yang Haipo has been in touch with Bitcoin since 2011 and is the earliest investor and admirer of Bitcoin, which also laid the foundation for his later entrepreneurship in the encryption industry.

In 2016, Yang Haipo started the research and development of the mining pool alone, and the ViaBTC mining pool was successfully launched in just two months. At the end of December 2017, Yang Haipo established the cryptocurrency exchange CoinEx.

When CoinEx was founded, Bitcoin happened to be at the craziest point of the 2017 bull market, but it wasn’t a good time. In 2018, the market turned bearish, causing a large number of crypto startup teams to declare failure, and few were able to persevere; and CoinEx's ability to survive successfully also proved its strength. Four years later, CoinEx has covered spot, contract, wealth management, leverage, AMM and mining services, and supports multiple languages, becoming a global comprehensive cryptocurrency service provider.

CoinEx Strength Analysis

From 2017 to 2021, there were many exchanges that ran away, closed down and failed. Why CoinEx can continue to grow and develop has become the focus of many people's attention. Taken together, the success of CoinEx is inseparable from the following factors:

1. Excellent technical team

Cryptocurrency exchanges mainly provide users with two basic services: asset custody and trading. All exchanges revolve around these two services, and the custody and trading of user assets are based on technology. Technology is very important in the encryption market. Now many well-known exchanges have encountered incidents of hackers stealing coins. Although these exchanges have corresponding compensation measures after users’ coins are stolen, this also shows that they are either Weak security awareness, poor management, or insufficient technical strength needs to be further improved.

Although CoinEx was founded in 2017, the team of CoinEx actually came from the ViaBTC mining pool. We know that Yang Haipo, the founder of CoinEx, completed the construction of the ViaBTC mining pool by himself within three months, and it has been running stably so far, which is enough to show that his technical strength is very strong. At the same time, CoinEx has not had a single security incident since its establishment. These facts are enough to prove that the CoinEx team has sufficient guarantees for both internal management and technical services.

2. CoinEx's improvement of products and services

Although the security and technology of the exchange are the foundation of its services, for users, they are more concerned about whether the functions of the exchange are easy to use, whether they can provide them with the new functions they want, and the quality of the coins listed on the platform. . In this regard, CoinEx has not fallen behind, but keeps up with the pace of the market and continuously develops the functions that users need.

Specifically, CoinEx only supports spot trading in the early days, and now supports contract leveraged financial management, etc., to meet the trading needs of different users. In addition, CoinEx also pays great attention to the user experience, such as adding functions such as stop-profit and stop-loss in contract trading, asset profit and loss analysis, etc. At the same time, CoinEx strictly controls the quality of listing, so as to ensure that users can buy valuable currencies and earn dividends of the times .

3. Empower CET to allow users to enjoy CoinEx dividends

CET is a platform currency issued by CoinEx in 2018. Users who hold CET can enjoy various benefits brought by CoinEx, such as transaction fee deduction. Not only that, CoinEx also added a repurchase and destruction function for CET. CoinEx spends 50% of the platform transaction fee for repurchase and destruction every day, which makes CET have a deflationary effect. Therefore, when the bull market comes, the trading volume of users increases, the number of CET destroyed is also increasing, the price of CET is also supported, and users who hold CET also enjoy the dividends brought by the increase in the currency price.

Judging from the results, from the beginning of 2021 to the present, the price of CET has risen about ten times, which is higher than that of most mainstream cryptocurrencies in the market. CET has also attracted the constant attention of users.

4. Actively expand the global market

Among the current mainstream exchanges, CoinEx is one of the few exchanges that can truly expand the global market. CoinEx has planned a global layout in the early days to provide services to users in more countries and regions.

We all know that ViaBTC has been serving global miners for a long time and has a strong operation and maintenance team and rich experience in this regard. In fact, many ViaBTC miners are also users of CoinEx, which is one of the supports for CoinEx to develop the global market.

At present, CoinEx's globalization has achieved very good results. The platform supports multiple languages and provides users with 7*24 hours of service. CoinEx has successfully entered the markets of Southeast Asia, the Middle East, South America, Japan, South Korea, Russia and other countries, and has its own a place.

5. Develop the CSC public chain ecology

This year, innovations such as DeFi, GameFi, Metaverse and NFT in the market have triggered a boom in the market, which is both an opportunity and a challenge for CoinEx. For example, the development of DeFi has affected the operation of centralized exchanges. Obviously, the development of new cryptocurrency technology has affected the business of exchanges, thus changing the market structure.

CoinEx saw the challenges posed by DeFi a long time ago and started planning to develop a decentralized CoinEx smart chain to develop its own ecosystem. CoinEx Smart Chain is a high-performance decentralized public chain that supports EVM, featuring high speed, low handling fee and compatibility with Ethereum virtual machine. The CoinEx smart chain is fueled by CET, and developers can build their own decentralized applications on the chain.

In the DeFi boom this year, CoinEx has also actively deployed emerging sectors such as DEX, lending, aggregator, DAO and cross-chain, and integrated them into the CoinEx smart chain. At present, the CoinEx smart chain has completed the mainnet launch. At the same time, the official also held hackathon activities and a series of support plans for decentralized applications, providing funds and publicity support for excellent projects, and forming a series of application incubation measures, which also It has attracted a large number of outstanding developers and users for the CoinEx Smart Chain, which has increased the activity of the CoinEx Smart Chain.


The cryptocurrency market is a highly cyclical market with a high elimination rate. Only a team with a certain strength that can pass through the bulls and bears can survive for a long time, especially for exchanges that serve users. Through its own background and strength, CoinEx has crossed the bull and bear market, and has gone through the road of the encryption industry for 4 years. Persistence is also the key factor for its successful development.


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CoinEx中文官方CoinEx成立於2017年12月,是一家面向全球的專業數字資產交易服務商。聚集創新數字資產為核心,多年來良好的專案服務水準及優質資產篩選能力,為全球用戶提供全面且優質的投資選擇。 CoinEx中文繁體群:
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