💧What should I do if my sister's anus is dry? 3 types of lubricant strategy


Everyone's body is different, and the amount of love fluid secreted is different. Some girls are flooded when they touch it, and some girls still feel a little dry even if they want to be at the maximum value of love. If they go in, it will hurt so much that they want to scold Fxxk. Yes, it's not a good experience for each other. Especially for those who play "anal and anal good", the anus is not like the vagina can secrete love fluid, so how to lubricate is definitely a required course for all 30cm and Gcup lovers!

Hi~ I'm Xiaobai , this article will discuss how to lubricate everyone's love and love? Which lubricant should be used? What is the difference between them? I will also add some experience to share with you. Say goodbye to hard sex together.

Common mistakes

▴ Please do not lubricate with saliva

Have you ever seen a lot of movies where the male actor spit a lot of saliva in the hole at the female actress, so you (your other partner) did the same? Xiu Danjile~ Please stop doing this, saliva is very bacterial, which can easily cause vaginal infection, and saliva is very easy to dry. Using saliva may be wet at first, but after drying it will only have the opposite effect, so I have heard people recommend not to vomit ah.

▴ Lubricate with the wrong oil

When Xiaobai was in high school, many classmates had very low experience points (me too). When they needed lubrication, they often used cans of Vaseline, baby oil, lanolin, etc. on the bedside as lubricants, which would cause the condom to rupture. The Food and Drug Administration mentioned that most condoms on the market are made of latex, and latex is not compatible with oil-based lubricants. Oil-based lubricants may damage the integrity of latex condoms and even cause them to rupture.

▴The following will dissolve the condom

  • Vaseline
  • baby oil
  • skin care oil
  • lotion
  • massage oil
  • olive oil
  • hand cream
  • body cream
  • lotion
  • WD40

Why use lubricants?

Simply put, it relieves dryness, relieves pain, and increases pleasure. Whether it's love, anal, jirijiri or playing with toys, lubricating fluid is indispensable. Using lubricating fluid can prevent pain during intercourse, make the sex process smoother, and solve the problem of insufficient wetness. Friends who enter from the backyard are in order to avoid Anal fissures need to be used to protect the other party. There are also lubricating fluids that can reduce the friction of the genitals and increase the durability.


The smearing method is applied to the GG or the vaginal opening, where the genitals need to be contacted. It does not need to be applied into the vagina, and it does not need to be covered all over the body like an A film.

What is the difference between the three lubricants?

Lubricants are mainly divided into three types, "water-based, silicone-based, and oil-based". The following will introduce their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. A table will be listed later to compare the differences between the three types of lubricants, allowing you to find a suitable lubricant faster.

💦Water-based lubricant

The main ingredients are water and glycerin, which can be used in most sex situations. It is almost universal. The common KY is water-based lubricants. The most common and most popular type of lubricant.

It is more moist and refreshing to use, and it is close to the viscosity of women's natural secretions, but it is easy to volatilize and needs to be replenished during sex.

▸ Advantages

  • Safe and gentle
  • easy to clean
  • High compatibility
  • easy access
  • Getting started is easy

▸ Disadvantages

  • easily volatile
HARUxMYBFDIARY limited lubricant
▴Small suggestion

If your 30cm Gcup is planning to make fried rice when swimming, showering, or soaking in hot springs, it is not recommended to use water-based lubrication. If you play with water, it is recommended to use silicone or oil-based lubrication.

💦Silicone-based lubricant

The main ingredient is silicon spirit, which is smoother than water-based lubricants. It will not be absorbed by the human body, so it can be used for a long time. Usually, it can be used to the end after only one use. It can be used with condoms, but it is not recommended to use it with silicone sex toys. .

▸ Advantages

  • Highly lubricated
  • Silky feeling
  • Durable
  • less dosage

▸ Disadvantages

  • higher price
  • difficult to clean
  • Cannot be used with silicone sex toys
Singapore SuperSlyde - Top Silicone Lubricant
▴Small suggestion

Silicone lubricating fluid can form a light and thin protective film on the surface, with excellent lubricating power, it is recommended for friends who like "anus and anus". Xiaobai himself likes to use silicone the most for his bare hands, and he likes his silky feel very much.

💦Oil-based lubricant

The main ingredients are mineral oil and vegetable oil, which cannot be used with latex condoms. Because the oil will dissolve the latex, it may break, and it is very difficult to clean. It is not volatile but very durable, and can be used with silicone sex toys.

▸ Advantages

  • extremely moisturizing
  • thick texture
  • Durable
  • Holy massage

▸ Disadvantages

  • Will corrode latex products
  • very difficult to clean
  • bad for female pussy
LUVLOOB Oily Lubricant [Original]
▴Small suggestion

If you have plans to play without condoms in the water, and have lasting considerations, you can refer to oily lubrication.

Please refer to the " Original Form " for the timing of use

Other FAQs

Q.01-How to clean the lubricant?

Girls, don't rinse inside the vagina, just clean the vulva, and the lubricating fluid will be discharged by itself after about two or three days.

The same is true for friends who have anal sex. There is no need to do special douching. The body has its own mechanism for excretion.

Q.02-Shelf life of lubricating fluid

Please pay attention to the date before use. If it expires, throw it away. If you unfortunately use the expired lubricant, please seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Q.03-Can lubricating fluid be eaten?

Water-based lubricating fluid is not a food and is not recommended for consumption. It will not be a big problem if you eat a small amount during sex. (I am still alive)


Please read the instructions on the package carefully before buying lubricants. Some lubricants may contain spermicides that damage the skin in the anus. The spermicide contains Nonoxynol-9, which will make it easier for pathogens such as HIV to invade after use. .


If you are a novice, it is recommended that you buy water-based lubricants that are safe and versatile, but need to be replenished all the time. For anal sex, silicone lube is your best friend. When DIYing by myself, Xiaobaiman likes the silky and delicate texture of silicon, which is not the same as the touch of water. I like to change different tanks of water-based lubricating fluid to avoid getting tired when using the aircraft cup. have fun.

Further reading:

XO Xiaobai's website


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