Nostalgic Collection of Coins

I still remember when I was in elementary school when I was buying snacks outside the school gate, the hawker found a foreign coin by mistake (forgot whether it was Thailand or India) and gave it to me. That was the first time I saw coins from other countries, and I was pleasantly surprised. Since then, it has also opened my way of collecting coins.
Different coins collected over the years

I still remember when I was in elementary school when I was buying snacks outside the school gate, the hawker found a foreign coin by mistake (forgot whether it was Thailand or India) and gave it to me. That was the first time I saw coins from other countries, and I was pleasantly surprised. Since then, it has also opened my way of collecting coins. In the past, Internet technology was not developed, and my knowledge of the outside world was very limited. Collecting foreign coins made me feel closer to them, and I also liked to appreciate the different characteristic designs on the coins. But when I was young at that time, I didn’t know that there were exchange houses that could easily exchange coins from other countries. I naively thought that only by going to a certain country could I get their coins. And my collection comes from gifts from relatives and friends and occasional exchanges with merchants, which are slowly accumulated. Therefore, each of these hard-earned coins is a testimony of fate and luck, which makes me cherish and also magnifies the joy of collecting, even though the process is very slow and difficult. Later, when I was in middle school, I learned about the existence of exchange houses, and I suddenly felt that my hard work over the years was a bit ridiculous. But I did collect a lot of coins from various countries by my own efforts. I was reluctant to give up, and it seemed that it was no longer meaningful to buy/exchange. So then those coins were left out in the cold, lying quietly in the box for a long time without adding new ones. Only occasionally take it out and wipe it, and then quietly appreciate it.

When I was a child, with curiosity and yearning for the outside world, I collected coins from different countries, thinking they were very precious. It was only when I grew up that I realized that these so-called foreign coins had little value and were not difficult to obtain. So after understanding the concept of value, I began to switch to collecting coins from a relatively old age. This collection process is also not easy, because I have never made a special purchase because of fate. Let's share some old coins that I have collected over the years (foreign coins are too common so I won't share them):

  • one ringgit coin
This coin is the most memorable for me, and I still remember that when I was in the first or second grade of elementary school, my mother would give me one as pocket money almost every day when I went to school. Later, it was discontinued, and I saved the remaining coins and didn't want to spend them. Now I still regret that I didn't save more.
  • Ringgit banknotes
These are the banknotes that I used in my childhood. Later, new plastic banknotes were produced to replace them, so these should be the last generation of paper banknotes, right? I prefer textured banknotes to plastic banknotes that are not easily damaged. One of the more commemorative ones is the RM2 note, as the RM2 denomination has been removed from the plastic notes that were introduced later.
  • old ringgit banknotes
I have never seen this style of old banknotes used in the market, and I found information on the Internet that they were issued around the 1980s. It was pure fate to be able to meet, and it actually allowed me to collect 3 cards of different denominations!
  • Straits Settlements Coins
The Straits Settlements were established from 1826 to 1946, when Malaysia was still under British rule. According to my father, it was left by my grandfather in a previous era.
  • Don Hussein Onn Commemorative Coin
I don't know much about this commemorative coin and have forgotten how it came from. I found information on the Internet and said that the theme of this coin at that time was the Fourth Malaysia Five-Year Plan.
  • Chinese coins
My father said that this was the only copper coins that my grandfather brought when he went south from China to the West. It was regarded by my father as a treasure and later passed on to me. Chinese coins are larger than those of other countries, and they feel heavy in the hand.
  • Australian coins
These are the older ones in my Australian coins, and it is estimated that the larger one may be more valuable.
  • Brunei banknotes
This is estimated to be an old Brunei banknote, not sure if it belongs to the scarce category but it should not be.

I don't know much about the ancient coin market, and I'm not sure if these old coins are really valuable today, but after I grew up, I really understood that the so-called collection is not necessarily about rare and precious or valuable things, but more What is more expensive is that the joy at that time and the full memories of many years later are the meaning of collection. I am very fortunate that I also worked so hard at that time, and it is precisely because of those that my collection has become precious today.


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夏芊90后摩羯座女孩 最近忙很少上线,发了文章就下了。 不过一有空上线时就会回复评论和逐一给大家拍拍回。谢谢那些不离不弃给我拍拍的朋友们~
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