Cosmos Eco-DVPN White Paper (1) Sentinel's Vision

This is the translation part of the DVPN white paper

Vision Introduction

The purpose of the Sentinel ecosystem is to authorize universal access to the Internet in a trusted and provable way. This will allow organizations and individuals around the world to leverage Sentinel's cosmos-based blockchain to build cost-effective, scalable, distributed and decentralized network solutions.

  • Decentralized consensus
  • Open Source Network Integration
  • Distributed community node network

The internet has created an intertwined form of global awareness capable of enormous positive impact. However, the importance and power of the Internet's ability to spread information is under threat. The rapid increase in global internet censorship and massive data collection, as people become increasingly reliant on the internet in this day and age, violates fundamental human rights to information and privacy.

The initial focus of the Sentinel ecosystem is to provide a framework for the construction of decentralized virtual private networks (dvpns). VPN applications are used by individuals all over the world to access geo-restricted content by connecting to servers located in regions where the content they want is unrestricted, while ensuring the privacy of their interactions by establishing an encrypted connection . Whether the purpose is to access restricted content or to increase the security of the data they transmit over the Internet, individuals around the world demand secure, cheap and reliable VPN services.

With the release of the Cosmos IBC that allows for cross-chain interoperability, Sentinel will be able to provide a private network or dVPN layer within the Web 3.0 infrastructure stack. In the near future, it will be possible to build a fully decentralized DeFi application, namely:

  • Hosted on the handshake network;
  • Data is stored in ipfs;
  • Utilize the computing resources of the Akash network;
  • Integrate with dvpn built on Sentinel network to provide web-level privacy and security for applications and their users.

In its inception, VPN technology primarily focused on establishing a secure tunnel between an organization's servers and its members to ensure encrypted data transmission. Over the past decade, modern consumers have begun to associate VPNs not only with traditional enterprise-centric narratives, but with a whole new narrative that revolves around their concerns about privacy, Internet security and global data accessibility concerns. It is because of these concerns that we are witnessing a boom in the VPN industry, which is expected to grow by 15% annually to reach $75 billion by 2030.

Currently in the VPN field, VPN applications that consumers can use can neither prove the authenticity of their claims nor keep their promises to users while guaranteeing user "privacy" and "reliability". big contradiction. This paradox has been exposed almost quarterly in recent years, and VPN networks have been deliberately storing and collecting user data, while at the same time, there have been major security breaches. The VPN industry is currently a monopoly, with the vast majority of leading brands sharing the same owner. At the same time, consumers lack trust in the back-end functionality of these similar products.

In contrast to these mainstream "consumer-facing" VPN applications, a robust, holistic "dVPN" network (a term originally coined by Sentinel in 2017) has the following advantages:

  • Provable Encryption: Establish end-to-end encrypted provability between the user and the server the user wants to access the data through an open source transparent and application integrity verification system
  • Bandwidth Proof: There is a bandwidth provable system that allows server providers to provide bandwidth in a trustless and provable way in exchange for user-agreed compensation
  • Proof of No Logs: Ability to provide evidence that application developers did not centrally store logs related to user browsing or data history
  • Distributed "Exit Nodes": Have a network of "Exit Nodes" (dVPN servers) whose ownership is distributed among many participants who do not know the identity of the user
  • Distributed Relay Network: Robust relay network with strong governance and participation to reduce the risk of bad actors, while ensuring that exit node hosts are unaware of users’ identities

Stakeholders participating in the sentinel network include:

  • Validators: Consensus participants in the upcoming Cosmos Hub sentinel who are responsible for the security of the network and participate in the governance of the Sentinel ecosystem
  • Users: End users want access to a dVPN built on the Sentinel framework for secure access to use the internet in a provable way
  • dVPN Node Hosting: Community members intend to make money by hosting an exit node or a relay node (meeting certain required service level thresholds), providing unused bandwidth to dvpns built on the Sentinel network
  • dVPN App Creator: Creators who build dVPNs on the Sentinel framework while using Sentinel dVPN zones as their infrastructure layer. App creators are responsible for user acquisition and marketing to generate revenue to be able to pay for dVPN node hosting



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