【Daily】——hands up and down

赫海寫手 Moon&Sun 0415
He Hai sweet article✨ 1,500 words finished posting ~ half-recited, Hai Hai really touched He Zai’s Adam’s apple during the interview, and Zai Zai’s reaction was also very interesting🌛

Let me ask: My boyfriend suddenly stretched out a hand to touch my Adam's apple during the interview, can I eat him on the spot?

Lee Hyuk-jae dressed up very sexy today. His comeback is coming soon. The concept of this album is "bad man", so Lee Dong-hae asked him to cut his hair short, shaved his side neatly, put a lot of tattoos on his body, and wore clothes The ones with holes, tassels, bare breasts and backless, can be as sexy as you want, exuding the most primitive hormonal charm.

The original intention was to make the fans be lured into nosebleeds, but he couldn't help it on the show. Li Donghai was deeply moved by his lack of outstanding concentration. Today Lee Hyuk-jae is wearing a white shirt, the buttons are not fully buttoned, and the neckline is wide open. Inside the shirt is a red mesh-shaped dress with a big hole. Although the chest muscles to the abdominal muscles are half covered, the clothes will open up with the movement. The front view is almost unobstructed.

In the middle of the interview, Lee Donghae secretly signaled to his boyfriend "the clothes are too open" with his eyes. Lee Hyukjae then adjusted his sitting posture and tidied up his clothes. You can see his boyfriend's plump chest and firm abs. Lee Donghae wants to touch him Desire just can't be curtailed. They haven't seen each other for a long time, and when they meet, their boyfriend wears such naked clothes, how can he bear it.

So Li Donghai got started. Since I can't bear it, I can't bear it. Anyway, it's okay to touch teammates on the show. We are all good brothers, so what if you touch your Adam's apple. Li Donghae obviously didn't know that touching his Adam's apple was a hint, even if he knew, he didn't want to care about it at the moment, because Lee Hyuk-jae's Adam's apple was particularly prominent on his fair neck, and it moved up and down slightly as he spoke, like a cute flower. Sea buoy. If it wasn't on the show, he would have leaned over and kissed her.

It's okay if you don't touch it, but when you touch it, it's not light or heavy, and Li Donghae didn't know how to stop and touched it back and forth several times, and Lee Hyuk-jae immediately responded. Physiological response. He covered the corners of his mouth that was turned up because of embarrassment and shyness with his hands, and looked at his boyfriend with surprised and reproachful eyes. Black pants, even if there is a reaction, it will not be too obvious.

Li Donghai didn't know what was wrong, he just felt that it was quite cool to touch Lee Hyuk-jae, he smiled and responded to his boyfriend's inexplicable shame and anger, and then turned his head to accept his teammates' words.

After finally making it through to the end of the interview, as soon as he walked into the waiting room without cameras, Li Donghae was immediately pressed against the wall by Lee Hyukjae and kissed him so badly that he couldn’t recognize his mother. His whole body was covered with a layer of red, and when he almost thought that he was about to be executed on the spot, he reluctantly let go. Both of them were out of breath, their eyes were full of uncooled lust, their foreheads were pressed against their foreheads, and their blood was boiling hot.

"Why are you teasing me on the show? You know I can't help it." Li Hyuk-jae wiped away the physiological tears from the corners of Donghae's eyes with his hands, and the suppressed guttural voice made his voice very deep. He didn't mean to seduce Li Donghae on purpose. His face turned even redder.

"I didn't flirt with you... I just wanted to touch you suddenly. I haven't seen you for a long time." Li Donghae was so shy that he didn't even dare to look Li Hyuk-jae in the eyes. He had been together for almost three years, but he still would because of his boyfriend's aggressive eyes and Overwhelmed by the action.

"Why are you touching your Adam's apple, don't you know it's very sensitive?" Lee Hyuk-jae laughed, and hugged Li Donghae into his arms, his movements were gentle, like caring for a kitten, full of compassion.

"Hmm..." Li Donghae leaned his head on Lee Hyukjae's shoulder and took a deep breath. He likes the woody aroma of his boyfriend, which gives people a great sense of security. He burrowed into Li Hyuk-jae's arms and sighed contentedly.

"Don't listen to me again." Lee Hyuk Jae also sighed, smiled and stroked the back of Lee Dong Hae's head, and pinched the back of his neck with his big hands, "We Dong Hae must be very tired recently, we have worked hard."

"It's not hard, it's not hard when I see you." Li Donghai's voice was soft, he was comfortably massaged by his boyfriend, and he groaned subconsciously. Li Hyuk-jae's fire was not completely extinguished, but when he heard the voice of the person in his arms, the fire started again, and Li Donghai felt it too.

Li Donghai pushed Li Hyuk-jae away, and stared at her boyfriend in disbelief and shyness, "Lee Hyuk-jae, are you a dog?"

"Yeah." Li Hyuk-jae raised one corner of his mouth, approached Li Donghae slowly, and smiled wickedly, "Wow."

So when he was bullied at home that night until his eyes were full of tears, Li Donghai deeply understood the truth of love - he should not touch his boyfriend's Adam's apple randomly, and he must not make any noise when he is being massaged by his boyfriend.


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赫海寫手 Moon&Sun 0415Instagram: eunhae_stories 專寫赫海文✨ 能有一個人這樣陪伴你,不論以何種身份,親密又溫暖,多好啊。
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