【Baker Wants to Enjoy】Lunar Eclipse|Poetry

exist because of you

exist because of you,

Even the white moon that the sun can't reach,

I still wish to be with the darkness,

Count down the feelings you once told me, and look forward to flying to me one day.

You always love to drag me into the wine pool for a swim,

With a mouth full of heroism, the splashes burn red,

Is it blue, black or red?

I like to see your intoxicated smile,

When I'm in the water, I can't see the sky with you,

Just suffocate before letting go.

Jingle Jingle, it should be an alarm, I still lie to myself like this,

In your hands, my hard work,

Turn it into the power you said, let you fly:

Build the fuselage, fold the wings, and move forward with the smell of ink.

Whoosh whoosh, the wind blows, you've been away from me for a long time again,

how long have to wait? wait quietly,

Finally earn enough reasons, please turn back:

Dirty hands, stained with wine, and begging with the smell of copper all over.

longing for the only one,

Even if you exist in their eyes,

I still look forward to the dawn with you,

Escape from the blood-stained memories of the past, as well as the heart that was hollowed out and eaten.

📝Extended reading: Baker writes poetry

✔️ Valentine's Day Series: The reason I like you, I have never been able to tell / love you / you, love you / you care
✔️ Russia-Ukraine War Special: Maybe Fireworks
✔️ Sympathetic people:
may be superpowers
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