The persimmons are red, and my menstrual burnout is gone.


On the Saturday of the first two weeks, it happened to be the second day of my menstrual period, and I was tortured by Miss Yue the day before.

Who told me to miscalculate the day of Miss Yue's visit, I drank cold pumpkin banana black soy milk early in the morning, and she came within two hours after drinking it, and specially prepared a souvenir for me Can only hunch back and move slowly.

The man suddenly asked, "Would you like to go to the persimmon garden that you didn't go to last week?" I looked at the blue sky outside the window and remembered the charming appearance of orange persimmons under the bright sun. I decided to immediately throw away the original plan and quickly packed up the day trip. Exclusive utensils, thermos bottle, two silicone foldable crispers, environmentally friendly tableware, and finally changed clothes, and completed the preparation for going out in less than half an hour. I must say, I rarely do it so quickly!

Not long after I went up the mountain, I was immediately confused by the fork in front of me. However, riding a bicycle has an advantage. If I get lost, I can turn around in time. Fortunately, I quickly found out that the direction was wrong, and immediately corrected the route. It didn’t take long for I arrived at the first stop , Jinhan Tubing Education Farm.

Jinhan Pill Cake Education Farm
During the holiday, the crowd was as crowded as expected, and I was still very excited. As soon as I entered the door, there were a few handwritten persimmon posters on the wall on the right. I thought that these posters should be better designed, but after thinking about it, it has a simple beauty and is also very good.

Near the bottom of the poster, there are many plastic baskets stacked, filled with persimmon peels one after another, and you can smell a strange fruity fragrance when you approach. Seeing these scenes that have not been carefully designed, I feel that the reality is not artificial, and it is more natural. It may be because of the growth of age, I especially like to see the real face!

We followed the crowd, walked into the persimmon tree area, and looked at the persimmons above our heads, feeling very magical. This is the first time I have seen persimmons growing on trees! There are orange and red, very cute.

Among them, the persimmons on several persimmon trees are not the common round shape, but the shape of kiwi fruit. After reading the poster, I realized that it was originally imported from Japan, which is really strange and cute.

Opposite the persimmon tree is the ancient Sanheyuan, which is also the drying area for persimmon cakes. After the golden persimmons took off their coats, they were placed in the circular iron net one by one, and then placed in the drying area in sequence. The drying area occupies a small area and is still divided into two areas. One area is a six-story iron frame area under the red tile eaves, and the other area is a large drying area above the head. The sun is shining down, and the orange-red persimmons look particularly sparkling!

Iron rack drying area

Large drying area overhead

I ate persimmon cakes when I was very young, but I really don't know the origin of it. This time I visited, although I didn't understand the exact manufacturing method, but at least I can guess the process of making persimmon cakes from the scene!

Maybe the orange-red persimmons are too beautiful, and the drying area is full of people. I followed the trail and accidentally found a mountain road with a slight slope. It turned out to lead to the persimmon tree planting area. When I looked up, I didn't see any persimmons, but only a few broken persimmons on the ground. I don't know if they were accidentally stepped on. It still falls to the ground after it is ripe, so you have to pay attention to every step, so as not to accidentally step on the persimmon mud.

This area is quiet and comfortable. I wandered around at random, and suddenly saw a small persimmon tree that was taller than me. There were many small persimmons like pearls hanging on it, which looked even more lovely.

Going further, you will reach the viewing platform on the second floor. Looking around, it turns out to be a large drying area just above your head. The orange-red gradient from shallow to deep is even more beautiful.

Later, I found out that the park has carefully posted the notices of "Best Shooting Spots" in some places. As expected, the angle of framing looks very beautiful, which is very suitable for people like me who can't always catch a good angle.

Recommended shooting spots in the park

Another recommended shooting spot in the park

After walking around, we left the park and headed to the second stop: Weiweijia Persimmon Cake Sightseeing Farm. After a while, we saw many vehicles ready to enter and park, and then we knew that we had already arrived at our destination. Fortunately, the locomotives did not need to queue up to enter the park, just ride to the designated location in the park to park.

Weiweijia Persimmon Sightseeing Farm
It's a little bigger than the Jinham Pingbing Education Farm, but the crowd is still as crowded. We went to the persimmon tree planting area first. Maybe we didn’t expect much. When we saw many light orange and orange red persimmons on the persimmon tree, it was a special surprise. The best part is that there are only four or five groups of people in this area. Everyone can You can choose the persimmon tree you want, and you can also take pictures as much as you like. Unlike the Jinhan Tubing Education Farm, how to take pictures, you will always take pictures of passers-by!

A persimmon tree planting area with few people

We stayed here for a while before heading to the drying area for dried persimmons, and the crowd was so crowded that it exploded. We didn't stay too long, but instead spent a while in the process demonstration area in another area.

I don't know that there are people who like to watch those food-related videos as much as I do. Watching the group of staff complete their tasks in an orderly manner, and then enter the next process. Every ingredient has to go through so many people's efforts and so many processes before it can become the food in front of me. Thinking of this, I can't help but be grateful for everything in front of me.

The first process of persimmon cake

Although the crowd of Weiweijia is a bit exaggerated, we can still feel the caring of the park from the details, such as the design of the map, the preparation of shooting props, the opening of part of the process of persimmon cake, the multiple handwritten process instructions, and the small farmers market. set of settings. These deliberately prepared scenes and activities will indeed make the visitors have more fun!

Fake persimmons for visitors to take pictures

Although some are not very natural, I finally understand the process of making persimmons better. Thinking about it carefully, what I want to see is the real process, not the bridges that are specially displayed, which is really contradictory! All right! Maybe I'm a bird hair consumer, ahem!

After we left the persimmon garden, it was already noon. We originally planned to eat the famous "Lao Neighbor Chang Bun Tiao Dian" or "Yuanxiangwu" in Xinpu, but seeing the terrible queue of people, we simply searched for it on Google nearby. The store with a high map score, "Chen's Noodle Restaurant", why not consider "Xinpu Noodle King", the reason is very simple, because the locomotive is already parked, ha!

I didn't expect to be able to find a seat as soon as I entered the door. It's a pity that the store only provides bowls and plates made of Miner cups, but I am very grateful to the kind store who is still willing to put food in my crisper. I really appreciate it! On the whole, the environment is clean and bright. Although the man and I don't have a gluttonous tongue, the fried slats and Lu cabbage are also delicious!

After filling up my stomach, I found that there were several guests in the "Du Yuchang Cake Shop" opposite. I checked Google Maps out of curiosity, and there were not many comments, but the scores were quite high. The two also bought sweet potato cakes, taro cakes, and bean paste cakes. Unexpectedly, after going home and enjoying it, I accidentally discovered that under the simple appearance, it was actually a delicious cake! Especially the stuffing inside, you can taste the aroma of the ingredients, it is full of amazing traditional cakes. Among the three flavors, the sweet potato cake is the best, followed by the taro cake. As for the bean paste cake, it has never been my favorite type, so I can only pass it!

Although it was only a small trip, it made me so happy that I completely forgot about the discomfort of Miss Yue's visit. In the future, I have to schedule the itinerary I want to go to on the second day of my period!


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