✨ Matters Pizza Day is temporarily open| Sending you a postcard greeting from New York

In order to break the dimensional wall of Matt City, the first trial operation! Although we don't know each other, we hope that the act of writing and mailing postcards will connect us like friends across time and space. Please come and join us!

*** 5/25 update: This event is over! Thank you all for participating in the event 🌟

Every time I travel, I always set aside time to buy postcards and write some travel stories to send to friends. Over the years, I have also accumulated many postcards sent from all over the world. Occasionally, when I look at them, they will always bring back many memories.

Although the postcard is small, it carries a lot of information: the friend who sent the card, the mood they wrote down at the time, the reason why they bought the postcard, the municipal staff who stamped the postmark... I cherish these small words. language. Even friends who are not in frequent contact with each other seem to have a heart-to-heart when they read the postcards they sent.

This time, I will use #Matters Pizza Day to organize activities, and I will also do my part to break the dimensional wall! Although we don't know each other, we hope that the act of writing and mailing postcards will connect us like friends across time and space.

Give 52 $Like to this article and fill in the shipping information and I will send you a postcard

 ***About Pricing***
Where exactly is the intersection of Matt City and the real world? ? !

An international postcard stamp costs $1.30, or about $360 $Like at today's exchange rates.
Hey, what's the fat thing? If you switch to $Like, I think this service is too expensive. …

Matt City uses love to generate electricity, and it is my first trial operation at Matt Market, so the price is 52 $Like.

How about it? Did you think it was a good deal? Don't miss it when you pass by! !

By the way, you can also let me send postcards to the people you miss! Family members who are out of touch, secret crushes, respected teachers, people who want to apologize but can't say it... If you are in the United States, it is also very good to send to the United States - I happen to have a lot of domestic stamps!

At present, I have about 20 postcards in my hand that I bought from travels around the world, until they run out 🥰

Romantic Wenqing faces reality:

In this era when netizens in the Chinese-speaking world are being monitored by the Ministry of Truth in 1984, in order to protect ourselves, many of us are afraid to reveal our real names and identities online. In this way, the relationship between people will only become more and more fragmented, trust will be disintegrated, suspicion, self-protection, and everyone will be in danger. It is because of this white terror that I feel the weight of the sentence "Let's break the dimensional wall of Matt City together". You're paying more than 52 $Likes, you're also paying an optimism about human nature. So thank you for your trust in me!

My only reward is this: Once the postcard is sent, I will delete the shipping information you submitted.

Spies, Wu Mao and the like, please respect yourself.

As for why I want to come for temporary business?

See: Matters Pizza Day | A no-responsibility rhapsody on cryptocurrencies

All rights reserved

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