Introduction to Runes - ᛚ Water Laguz


Runes are a kind of divination tool handed down by ancient Nordic peoples. The priests of the ancient tribes used these 24 symbols plus a blank rune for divination of weather and war. In addition to divination, the Nordics also engraved these symbols on the objects to increase the power of the objects, such as swords, shields, etc. They believed that using weapons engraved with runes could be invincible on the battlefield. And the origin of the rune, according to ancient legends, is the magic rune passed down by the great god Odin. He sacrificed himself, hung himself upside down on the world tree Yggdrasil, cut himself with his sword, suffered from hunger and thirst, hanged himself upside down for nine days and nine nights in search of divine wisdom and knowledge. As he hung, the tree swayed in the wind, and he caught a glimpse of the rune from among the branches. He has since acquired the runes of runes, as well as the gift of prophecy and divination, and imparted them to the world. Runes can be used to foresee the future, explain the past and advise the present. They can be used during meditation or worn as accessories or amulets to enhance health, wealth or happiness.


Icelandic Poetry The water flowing to the earth seems calm and silent. If people dare to get on a boat, they can feel the strength and danger, and the uncontrollable force.

Meaning: Possessing super-stretching ability, nurturing all things, it also symbolizes purity and importance, thinking, creativity; implying a bumper harvest and wealth, grasping the current good fortune well, there will be a satisfying harvest, if you have a good harvest in your heart The idea, do not hesitate to put it into practice immediately.

Beginner's Guide to Rune: Since ancient times, it has been said that water is life, a force that can make life grow. There is water everywhere, in our bodies, and underground. If you want to understand the magical ᛚ, you must first understand the real thing in the world. In addition to the water, there is also the water symbolized in the human mind, which represents the flow of subconscious and emotional states. When negative emotions that bear weight appear in our hearts, we often feel that we are about to be submerged. This is a real feeling.

Water is one of the 4 elements, and it is difficult for people to control it. If it is a large amount of water, it is a very powerful force that people cannot control. ᛚ represents the foundation of organic life. Without water, life cannot exist. When divination occurs, ᛚ also appears. A symbol of spiritual strength and intuition, asking you to trust your intuition, or exercise your intuition

star : moon

Date : 4/29-5/13

element: water

Natal Crystal: Pearl

Lucky color: white, blue

Magic effect:

  • Improve intuition.
  • Consider prudence.
  • Imagination is endless.
  • Boost vitality.
  • Willpower focus.


Natal Runes - Just like the 12 constellations, if you were born at a certain stage, you also have runes to protect you~

The above information comes from Rune Rune Self-Study Manual and Sheepskin Astrology Network - Rune Rune and Rune Beginner's Guide and Rune Senior - Binglin Leo 's article

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慕夜muye我是慕 是一名正在自學中的新手占卜師 這裡是我跟大家分享自學經驗的小天地 我是個什麼都想學的水瓶座寶寶
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盧恩符文介紹-ᛗ 人性 Mannaz (音譯:美納茲)

盧恩符文介紹-ᛖ 駿馬 Ehwaz(音譯:耶瓦茲)