Need Your Warmth|"Urgent Seeking" Green Light Seeds, Need Online Homework Guidance Volunteers

The three "Green Light Seed Classrooms" have been quietly helping more than 200 disadvantaged children in remote villages with their homework tutoring. Now they are facing the diagnosis of online teaching teachers, and they urgently need the assistance of online volunteers who understand mathematics and composition.

Need Your Warmth|"Urgent Seeking" Green Light Seeds, Need Online Homework Guidance Volunteers

Due to the impact of the epidemic, all schools below high school have also adopted online teaching. Of course, the three "Green Seed" classrooms in Erxinpu, Erzhong, and Zhudong have also adopted the online teaching mode according to regulations, and conducted more than 200 vulnerable students. Homework guidance and care for children. In fact, this is a very difficult task for them, because they can also help children with a 10:1 ratio of students to teachers in physical teaching, but changing to online teaching seems to only take into account the more marginal children. It's really a tough choice.

Hearing that three volunteer teachers have been diagnosed with the disease, Brother Shitou couldn't bear to continue watching the children from disadvantaged families. He became a marginalized person because of the epidemic prevention at home. Therefore, after negotiating with Teacher Wang, he decided to jump out and help the "Green Light Seeds" classroom. , wave the flag and shout: Urgent, urgent, urgent, we need passionate "Online Teaching Teachers".

1. What problems are you currently encountering?
At present, one-to-one online tutoring is adopted, focusing on the two most difficult aspects of elementary school mathematics and composition. Therefore, volunteer partners who are willing to provide free online tutoring are urgently needed.

Second, who should I contact?
For the contact number of Ms. Wanjie, you can refer to Brother Shitou's resource integration platform for class-assistance volunteers. There is a brief attachment in the article. Click me to link to the past :
Or leave a message to Brother Shi, I will help you pass it on to Teacher Wanjie, remember to describe the courses you can teach.

3. Can I help?
Yes, Brother Shishi is really looking forward to it. You can copy it or pass it on. In short, spread it to your friends who are volunteers in these two categories.

In the end, Brother Shi only shares Tagore's classic quotations with you~~

Come out, my heart, and meet it with your love. - Tagore

🍁Click me to open the link directly 🔗: I am willing to "a cup of coffee for public welfare" and silently support Brother Stone!


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