Twice Hostage

It felt like I was missing out on life itself.


The phone on the table whispered to me to open the damn app and look at the coin rates.

I didn't give in. Just continued to stick further into the laptop. The best way to ride out the crypto winter is NFT games. You pass the time, earn some coins, and during the bulrun you look and they will shoot.

Sometimes the days go by like this. But this time, something hit me.

“Damn, what am I doing with my life?”

The question turned out to be really relevant. I felt somehow limited and dependent on circumstances. Or rather, not even from the circumstances, but from the decision of the Chinese or some other whale-like Asian to push the market up properly. Who would have told me 5 years ago that I would sit like this and wait for some numbers on the screen to turn green.

Enough. Enough. After all, it's just money. They come and go, but time cannot be returned. And from the fact that I constantly keep the cue ball rate under control, little will change.

  • Decided! I'm going camping," he said aloud, surprised at himself.

“Damn, what trip?” Laziness immediately manifested itself in my thoughts.

I closed my laptop, got up from the table and went to the kitchen. I liked living on the 17th floor because I could see very far from the window, my eyes did not rest anywhere. From this, even somehow I think wider and freer.

I began to think and remember why I got into the crypt back in 2016 and have not gotten out of it since. A constructive internal dialogue began.

  • Hmm. It was something new, modern. Feeling of belonging, uniqueness. The inspiring prospect of big money, financial freedom and, as a result, an easy and carefree life.

“Yes, the combination is truly unique. But as it turned out, the expected reality was too far from reality. I had to sit for days studying projects, catching airdrops, losing money, testing FOMO and enjoying Xs. In the end, only those who know how to walk in a disciplined manner win. And this is possible only if life without crypto is bright and rich.

And now I've come to the point where I need to face the truth. I am a nerd who sits at a computer for days, orders food, hardly goes out and raves about some dreams about the future.

And in the future, the most valuable thing will not be a figure in dollars, but the feeling that someone has proved something. It turns out that I became a hostage twice.

The current reflection was replaced by a painfully familiar feeling. It was FOMO. But not what you experience when you want to get into a pumped coin. It felt like I was missing out on life itself.

It's time to get your bike off the balcony. Something is completely dusty.


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Psycoach👹Психолог цифровых аборигенов 🔥Помогаю людям найти и реализовать себя 🦸‍♀Вы оху#ете от того, что умеете ⬇️Жми ссылку, чтобы начать ох#евать
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