Lianggua women Xiaoyou live on the way @ first experience

A salted fish who is passive, shy and silent, always working hard behind his back, and has no dreams. I never thought that I could be a live broadcaster. Thanks to my friend Winne for introducing me to this class a year ago, so that I can find what I like to do . This road is not easy, but as long as you believe. I can fly... High and low gain and loss Even if you can't avoid me, I am my own legend. With my ambition, I will become a great weapon. No matter what age I am alive today Just be the me I love with no regrets. By writing a blog and sharing the live-streaming journey to cheer yourself up.
Listening to this song, tears flowed down unconsciously. It seemed to be talking to me. Give me so much strength.
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涼瓜婦女小酉HappyYouFamily一個香港平凡[涼瓜婦女]為網站直播夢想進發,透過小酉直播間與大家分享不同題目,讓觀眾每次進來都收到知識。 涼瓜婦女小酉 HappyYouFamily 涼瓜婦女小酉臉書專頁
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小酉直播間之「他她」「牠」「它」探索系列 第三集

