[Daily chat] I've been obsessed with...


The theme of "metaverse" is believed to be well known.

Even "virtual currency" and "NFT" are also hot topics.

I have been thinking about entering Matt City for a while (although I have been lazy for a long time🤣),

I haven't seriously thought about studying the same virtual currency as "likecoin".

I only know the po article and I am very happy that someone applauds 👏 like this...  

I only recently started looking for these "virtual currency mining" that are very novel to me.

Especially when digging with a mobile phone.

It's as good as my favorite "placement mobile game",

Only then did I realize the real reason why I haven't played so many games for a long time...I can't make money 😂!

That's why I have these invitation links below 🔗!

Interested friends can click in and try it out, let's dig together!

1. Honeygain :

Use excess network traffic to mine, register to send $5, (1000 honey: $1),

Recommended code: A01739FAB

2. Start Network :

The core team consists of professionals in the fields of investment banking, technology and payment networks. The core team consists of investment banks such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley , technology giants such as Google, Facebook, and Apple , as well as former executives of payment networks such as Visa and Paypal . Stars can be earned easily from an internet-connected mobile phone,

Recommended code: shan0518

BEEWiN Mining :

BEEWiN Mining is the first LINE community mining in Taiwan. Taking advantage of the popularity of LINE in Taiwan, we have created a "free" mining campaign that everyone can participate in. It only takes 5 seconds a day to easily click and mine, and at this stage, the mining process does not consume waste energy or mobile phones. Efficiency, and the "attention" of the masses is used as the mining price, and finally the relative BEEWiN Coin (BWC) is obtained as a participation reward.

Recommended code: 67B28

Pi Network :

The Pi Coin team is co-founded by 2 Stanford PhDs and 1 Stanford MBA leader. It is a project that can be mined for free through the mobile APP . "You can automatically earn Pi coins every hour for the next 24 hours.

Recommended code: Shan830518

Hi :

Hi is registered in Singapore and was co-founded by Stefan Rust , the former CEO of Bitcoin.com , and Sean Rach , the former chief marketing officer of Crypto.com .

The purpose of Hi platform is non-profit , mainly to develop the world's first universal mobile payment financial service platform through blockchain technology.

Members participating in the platform can obtain Hi coins through rewards and purchases, and then can enjoy corresponding benefits and services according to different membership levels.

Recommended code: shan0518

This is a series of whimsy, mainly to record and share some daily life, ideas, small talk, inspiration...

Basically, I call it when I think of it, arrange it when I have time, and send it directly when I don’t have time.

Sorry if the content is too empty or boring🤣 …

If you are interested, you can click in and take a look. If you like it, thank you for applauding me 👏 !


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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