Diagnosis diary postscript 2

Orli 谷語語

2022.05.17 (two)

Today, I met a person who didn’t know how to use Health Insurance Express to report the diagnosis on his own. He was very worried that he would be fined for not reporting it. He called 1922 and asked him to call the health center, but the health center couldn’t get through. After yesterday's experience, I can feel his anxiety about having nowhere to ask for help. I passed him the way to pay for the health insurance Express Express. I found that people would not be able to find the place for the return because it was hidden behind layers of forms. However, after entering the health passbook, I don't know how to enter. Just click on the column of the virus test result, and you will jump to the next page, and the record of vaccination will appear. There is a faint bold text on the upper right, which reads the details. Click and pull down, you will see the link of the self-reporting system.

Later, the friend also completed the report. If he hadn’t diagnosed himself, he would have gone through the entire process once, and encountered many puzzled situations. How could he understand other people’s feelings and practical help?

Today is my last day at home, no guilt from last night, enjoying the time off I took with my compensatory time off, spending a little time shopping online, celebrating that I can open the door tomorrow, and temporarily leaving my home where I have been 10 days !

#diagnosed#quick screeningpositive#diagnosed diary#jushen diary#PCR#covid19#positive#rapid test#diary#graphic diary


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