The dream of traveling to Europe starts ~ I am "Project Mei"

Chapter 1 of the Italian Dream Tour, without planning and enjoying every moment

I am pursuing my dream of studying in Europe at the same time. I have a lot of plans in my life, but I can't keep up with the changes.

When I embarked on the journey, the strange French girl I met at the airport said "Don't Plan it! No plan is the best plan!"

Seven years ago with Gelato... no I mean Italy, forged a fate

Because I have always dreamed of studying abroad and living in different countries, when I entered the workplace in my early twenties, I was always uncertain about further education and work. Finally, I wanted to go out and make a breakthrough after seeing the information related to Italy.

At that time, I took a three-week leave from the company like this (now I think about the owner who really indulged me at that time, and I am grateful), and flew to Italy to have a look.

And I came across a jewelry museum in Florence that I thought "this is my dream", and I was very moved.

At that time, I thought that one day, I must go back to Florence to study.

Jewelry designer Alessandro Dari's work table, photographed seven years ago (Credit: Taken in person)

However, although I had a strong desire to go to Italy again at the time, when I returned to Taiwan, I still chose to continue working in a stable and supportive job, and I lived through a life of stability and confusion. several years. Even though I haven't forgotten this dream, I've been hesitant.

A crisis is a turning point. Does the epidemic only bring us pain?

At the end of 2019, by chance, I started to run my own jewelry brand, running markets, teaching, and trying my best to run an online business... But the epidemic that swept through and my lack of ability and action made me a little lost confidence. Once again, I am immersed in the "sense of stability brought by work". Although I continue to face my career with a slash attitude, I am always uneasy. I can only use the mentality of "taking work as a side business" to reduce my psychological pressure. .

At that time, my sister said to me, "I think your current work situation is not stable at all, and you can't keep going like this forever." I didn't believe it, thinking that the content of my work is stable and happy, at least whether I go to work or go to work normally. Selling my own works in the market is something I like.

Unexpectedly, in 2021, when the epidemic in Taiwan heats up and the level 3 alert comes, the creative market will not be able to go, and even my job will be in jeopardy.

At that time, I was chatting with a friend and half-jokingly said, "If I fail to open a course and lose my job, I will go to Italy to realize my dream."

In the end, I didn't lose my job, but I quit my job, traveled at a time when the euro was relatively cheap, and used the money I'd saved from my hard work and venture capital in previous years to fulfill a dream that was put on hold.

In order to learn all about Italy in depth, I came to Florence to learn the language before the class. This is the Cathedral of Our Lady of Flowers in Florence, on the way to school every day, isn't it fantastic? (Image credit: Taken by myself)

You go to realize your dream, and then what?

My study plan is very short-term, with no degree and no follow-up long-term plan

There are many, many people asking, you just give up your job and go to such a short course, and then what?

There is no then, because I just want to seize the moment and do what I want to do.

I have always believed in the saying "Nothing in life is in vain".

I'm not sure exactly what this journey will lead to, but enjoying every moment is the best reward.

In Italy, which is quite hot in summer, come to Gelato on the road! Grasp the moment you just got and take a photo immediately, otherwise it will be full of hands soon~

The small "previous situation summary" (in fact, it should be the current situation summary XD) will come to an end here.

If you are interested in Italy, design, art, my life in Europe, or some information related to studying abroad, welcome to follow me!

I'm "Mei Plan", see you next time~


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

梅計畫Just on the way,我相信人生中沒有事情是徒勞無功的 一名旅歐學習中的設計師
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