"Hey! Listen to You Be a Writer on Oni Island" 75 Modern people have dyslexia

"──Because modern people have dyslexia."

This is what I heard from the lecturer when I attended an online course.

He said that business articles on the Internet should be as simple and clear as possible, preferably to the extent that children can understand them. He has not used idioms for a long time. For more than three sentences, list the points as much as possible and support them with diagrams.

"──Because modern people have dyslexia."

Maybe I don't feel much when I hear this sentence in the ears of other people, but for me as a novelist, it is as harsh as I know it, but I don't want to admit it.

When I was a child, I had a lot of books at home, including a full series of fairy tales, various magazines, or classic literature, as well as books on nature and ecology, and my sister and I liked to go to the library very much.

At that time, although there were already computers, there were not as many information and videos as there are now, and there were not many games. That is to say, our main entertainment at that time was not staying at home and playing on the computer, but hanging around, or It's reading books and catching small creatures (this may only be me XD).

Before, I also set a small goal for myself, such as reading the books on this shelf this week, or reading a certain type of related books in the collection during this winter and summer vacation.

Although I have read a lot of books, honestly I don’t remember much now. I probably still remember reading these: a doctor who can talk to animals, an urban adventure with a mouse, a school and daily life where a group of children fights, etc. But I don’t remember the name very well, but I believe that even if I don’t remember the story, these contents should still exist in a certain section of my consciousness and become the energy that nourishes the creation.

Because of the general environment, reading (extracurricular readings) was considered a major entertainment for us at that time, but as more interesting new things appeared and the pace of life became more and more busy, less and less people would choose to read as a pastime.

After all, I am usually so busy, and I basically want to let go of some fragmented time, or I just want to do some entertainment that can get feedback in a short time. This is nothing more than one of the reasons for the popularity of modern entertainment media.

The times are evolving, and there will be more real-time highs and more entertainment in the future, but I think there are still people who like to chew on words.

Although the effect of words may be slower than that of other carriers, it also has an irreplaceable taste of sadness . When immersed in it, it seems to pass through the content of the book and experience an adventure through the perspective of the characters in the book. , immersed for a long time, naturally can be in the memory for a longer aftertaste, and the aftertaste is also very long, I believe you who also love words can understand.

But in order to continue to develop in the field of novels, we may have to work harder than before. There are actually a lot of people who want to write books, but because of the narrowing of the customer base, the conditions for selecting books are harsh, and the manuscript fee is naturally... …so part-time work, or combined field development, etc., must be considered.

Of course you can pursue your dreams, but you can't let your family worry and make yourself hungry QQ

Maybe one day the reading wind will blow again, but until then, it is important to keep ourselves active in the field. Although we cannot change the environment, we can use persistence to keep ourselves shining on this stage.

Words will not disappear - unless the images and plots in your mind can be visualized and processed by post-production technology , then... think about countermeasures at that time XD


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

鬱兔鬱兔,已出版35冊實體商業小說,以及多部電子版權作品,手機遊戲《啵嗲多森林》已於2020/5上架 IG:instagram.com/novelist_utsu12 粉絲團:facebook.com/utsudo Twitch:twitch.tv/utsu12 YT精華:youtube.com/channel/UClMx7MU0HLnRuybeYlNxisg 信箱:utsu12@gmail.com
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