Human Diagram and Entrepreneurship Analysis Series 1︱Human Diagram Analysis of the Reasons for the Success of We Media Channels︱New youtuber, must-see series for self-media entrepreneurship

Life Architect

When it comes to online self-media, many friends who follow youtube know that in the last year of Gengzi, it was very popular to be a video host about investment and financial management or making money online, but the editor did not choose this route, because the editor felt that people The inner sanity is more important than making money. This is consistent with the stage sequence of self-development proposed by yogi sadguru.

Human Map does not stop at the stage of self-understanding and cultivating inner stability. Now after more than 30 episodes, it may be time to see how Human Map can start a business online and release its function. The editor The materials introduced are all from the Internet, and the methods are all related to the programs of fate, referring to the case of famous people, because they are all people who are known and have a consensus, so that you can confirm the relationship between the theory and the actual level. I hope it can help some friends who want to start a business online to find their ideal platform positioning through the human map.

The characters introduced today should have been watched by many youtube viewers in the Chinese region. Yes, it is them, that is Lao Gao and Xiao Yi.

Everyone should think that Lao Gao's story is very appealing, and his wife also has a very tacit interaction with him. Everyone likes to watch them not only have funny ideas, but also learn some popular science knowledge. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone. These are old The brand features that appear in Gao and Xiaoyi's channels, can we see these traces from astrology charts and human charts?

The following may be Lao Gao's human chart and astrology chart, but his wife can't know it. Guess it will be this human chart. In addition to the necessary information, there is also because Lao Gao's personality on his show description, and how his early YouTube experience relates to his career.

Possibly a human figure of Lao Gao
May be Lao Gao's horoscope

As you can see from this human graph, there are two channels that are connected, 11-56 and 16-48. For the meaning of the human graph pipeline, the editor will explain it to you in the online course of human graph. , and now we only look at these two pipelines.

16-48 is a passage called the master. The gate 48 is derived from the well hexagram of the Book of Changes. In fact, the well is used to describe the people who have the gate 48. They are people with depth, but their depth is not theirs. The mind can understand, because you can see that the gate 48 is in the center of the spleen, not in the center of the mind. In other words, the gate 48 obtains their depth through the perception of the body, and then passes their depth through the The trick of gate 16 in the center of the throat, performed.

So it cannot be ruled out that in addition to being a youtuber, Lao Gao may also be a master in his industry.

However, if this channel is compared to the other channel 11-56 owned by Lao Gao, it may not be so dazzling.

The gate 11 is located in the logic center, and the logic center is mainly responsible for the work of concepts. Therefore, once combined with the 11th hexagram of the Book of Changes, it means that the people who have the gate 11, most of them give concepts and ideas They are all processed through idealization. This idealization process can be because of the version you like, or it can be an ideal version in the minds of the public.

These concepts will eventually lead to the gate 56. The gate 56 comes from the 56 hexagrams in the Book of Changes. The hexagram of the trip is like going up and down the mountain. The meaning of the hexagram can be imagined as a picture of fire on the mountain, and the mountain The property of fire is to burn from one place to another, and it has the property of being fluid, so it has the symbolism of the journey. This property, combined with the function of the center of the throat, will give the possessor the gift of being able to speak It's full of ups and downs, so that's probably why we love to listen to Lao Gao, because he always tells stories that are rich in context, so that every listener can feel like walking with Lao Gao after the fact. journey.

Moreover, the reason why Lao Gao's 11-56 channel is more noticeable than the 16-48 channel is that the gate 11 is opened twice at the position of Neptune in the picture, and the gate is full of energy , and different from other repeated gates, such as gates 32 or 46, which are located in the blank center, and the energy output will be stronger than gates 16 and 48 that have only been opened once, but it may be that Lao Gao himself This was not particularly noticed at first, because Neptune itself caused a feeling of confusion in the owner himself, but it did not affect its influence on others.

Coming here, we can get the following summary:

1. If you don’t know how to position yourself in We-Media, try opening your own human map to see which channels are opened. The opened channels will be the starting point of your We-Media positioning, and also the future. Channel branding features.

2. If multiple pipelines are opened, see which pipeline gate is opened multiple times, that will be your strength.

I agree with what senior youtuber Joeman said, if you are starting from scratch, you have no funds, contacts, technology, stage, basically nothing, entering the current youtube market as a novice, can you make your personal characteristics Glowing heat will be a decisive focus for your success in running your personal channel over the long term.

And to find out your personal traits, the human chart is the best choice for you. Together with the astrological chart, you will be able to better understand the strategies on how to play your personal traits.


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