NFT & Metaverse futuristic? (with evil dog inside

NFT & Metaverse future? There must be something to see, and the investment of benchmarking companies can accelerate the evolution of the metaverse. The probability of this generation getting rich overnight may be several times higher than before. If you don’t invest in technology, $ will not enter your wallet. A small part may indeed bubble, but if you generalize, you may miss countless huge opportunities.
Image credit: Axios

Deloitte TMT Predictions 2021

  1. 65% of respondents play games on mobile phones, tablets and computers at least once a week
  2. The annual growth rate of cloud industry revenue will remain above 30% from 2021 to 2025
  3. In 2021, the penetration rate of AR, VR and MR headsets in enterprises and education will increase by more than 100% compared with 2019
Image source: NVIDIA

Metaverse future?

The advancement of AI computing has created giants such as Metaverse, NVIDIA, Meta, and Microsoft. They have long been prepared for this. The news of Facebook’s renaming has accelerated people’s curiosity about it. In the future, the demand for AR/VR/MR devices will grow exponentially , accumulating More data, in addition to face recognition, three views of values, outlook on life, etc., will also be recorded invisibly on the data. The misapplication of Deepfake technology is just the tip of the iceberg.
Image credit: AMD
 "While Meta has committed to no longer include facial recognition on user devices, Meta does not apply to its Metaverse products," said Meta spokesman Jason Grosse.
Image credit: Axios

The future of NFTs?

  • I think Pokémon GO CEO John Hanke's thoughts are more comprehensive
 "The goal is to enable the world to create an immersive augmented reality experience and a platform for the experience. By integrating the real and virtual worlds, changing the relationship between humans and technology in the past, jointly building an all-encompassing and human-centered AR experience, and further expanding The possibility of AR.”
Resource Sharing: Multiplayer Game Experience
The future of NFT is not just an independent symbol, but can create a personal brand through NFT itself, improve influence & monetization ability, virtual Youtuber has reached the monetization target, when virtualization is valuable, future commodities are not just online and offline, said Maybe the owner of the grocery store next to him also has a virtual clone . Regardless of Metaverse or NFT, it is people-oriented after all. Through the integration of virtual and reality, seemingly complicated possibilities are created. It is still starting. Do you have any clues?
Instant Image: Meshing
  • Free 40 YL & Dogo NFTs - maybe more
  • Just put your wallet in the message area~ Start with 0x
Image credit: Opensea YL & Dogo

Thanks to @Erica& NFT casting and dismantling steps, you can use it for the first time. push

Image credit: Microsoft


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