Still want to (pretend) to watch the sea alone | The day I watched the sea with you

The restraint that has persisted for a long time cannot be disintegrated, and I know that I cannot give you any chance.

The sea has always been my favorite nature. Looking at the sea, all the negative thoughts seem to be sucked into the sea, and all the worries and worries will disappear in an instant, so I like it.

When I saw the proposal with the suffix@Jeger, I wanted to try it out. Although I didn't make it to the top 15, even if there was no reward, I wanted to get involved with the sea. That's how I like it.

near dusk

This is the story of a good friend who has lost touch with him unfortunately.


That year you invited me to see the sea. After rejecting several times, you finally agreed to your invitation, but I added a colleague just because I didn't want you to think there was a chance.

My colleague kindly asked me to give you a ride, but I had to sit behind you reluctantly, preferring to hold the armrest behind you rather than hold you. The restraint that has persisted for a long time cannot be disintegrated, and I know that I cannot give you any chance.

Photos not at the time

At the seaside, my feet are on the beach. When the waves come ashore, my feet are immersed in the cold sea water. The coolness spreads from my feet to my heart. All my eyes are on the sea, but what about you? Looking back at my back to the sea, I understand that I have failed you.

I glanced at you secretly, the eyes you looked at the sea were so focused, what were you thinking? I really want to know, but I don't want to understand, you found my gaze, turned to me, and I was stunned and almost forgot to turn around.

In fact, you have always known that I took advantage of your liking for me and asked you for space that I could not get. You have never pierced my self-esteem, and let me still enjoy the emotions I am being pursued and treat you unscrupulously.

Taitung sea

The sea wind is strong, you take off your jacket and put it on me, remember I said to you seriously: "Don't be too kind to me."

You pretended not to hear, the coat was draped over my shoulders, and my heart was about to be shaken.

The waves of the sea are turbulent and majestic, and my heart is like the waves, constantly churning and attacking one after another, whether or not I promise you, or continue to pretend that you are just my good friend.

Tara Station
Photos not at the time

Although I already had a boyfriend in my relationship at the time, your perseverance and unyielding determination made me about to abandon the city.

Until the end, when I married someone else and chose to stay by your side as a good friend, I thought I would never lose you.

However, a few years have passed, the sea has not changed, the sky is still blue, and I have lost you. But in the depths of my memory, you have never left, like a shadow, staying in my heart, even if the shadow fades, you still stand there.

Nicaragua Falls (family photo)
Hualien whale watching

Thanks @Jeger for this event. 😀😀😀


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